I made this

End grain cutting board for a house warming gift. Black Cherry. It has the first 2 coats of mineral oil. I'll let it suck that up for a couple of days then seal with mineral oil/beeswax solution.

Post your projects.


p.s. will u make me one

p.p.s. nice cat tree clean ur house etc.

LOL mu house is a disaster zone right now. When we moved out to the farm full time after I retired I guess we didn't plan things too well. Pro tip...when you move from a house thats almost 7000 sq.ft. to a house thats 2300 sq. ft. you run out of places to put stuff real quick. Couple that with a reno thats taking on a life of it's own...We're down to 3 useable rooms and 1 bathroom.

Thanks for the kind comments...rep for everyone!
Oh yea I also did this recently... this was a blast because I got to set it on fire... it was my first time incorporating scorching into the finishing process and it was a bit too much fun hehehe

Oh yea I also did this recently... this was a blast because I got to set it on fire... it was my first time incorporating scorching into the finishing process and it was a bit too much fun hehehe


There's a snake in my boot
It looks nice.

The problem with glued cutting boards are that they eventually fall apart! I have spent hundreds of dollars (Boos as an example) on end grain 'glued' boards that eventually (sometimes it takes years, granted) just crack.

Hence why I have decided to buy a Japanese Asahi rubber cutting board. Shit ain't cheap at $350, but it will last a lifetime and my knives will be far happier. You can always play checkers on it though....