[Poll] Wealth Re-distribution?

It's interesting to bring up wealth re-distribution under such terms as "taxing the richest 2%" when the US has just performed the most disturbing method of wealth distribution I've ever witnessed, $700b worth.

Don't forget everyone else got a piece of the pie too that raised the total to $850 billion if I'm not mistaken.

These fucks not only decided against the entire nation, they raped us MORE because it wasn't enough the first time.
Better not make more than 250K then for the next 8 years.

The notion that the wealthy in this nation should be legally responsible for the less fortunate aka poor people, which apparently is 95% of the country.

If you make over x amount of money per year, you should bear more of the burden through taxation for no other reason than the amount you make.

Well by that definition, nobody's for it. But that's not the definition.

But have at it. Indignation and anger, bombs away!
[x] FOR

the average income of CEOs in japan is only 9x minimum wage, here in america it's over 500x the minimum wage.

why don't you people see something wrong with that?
Let's be honest with ourselves. If you want welfare, lets talk about welfare.

Those huge companies that were given 800+ billion dollars as a bailout in order to stabilize the nation's economy have done more for this nation that those who are lazy and apathetic enough to be on your welfare system.

Those terrible, huge companies employ thousands to tens of thousands of people that keep portions of the economy up that employ MILLIONS of people in this country. Helping such a vital portion of our economy, and therefore supporting the livelihoods of millions of working Americans has a much greater impact than supporting those who don't work at all.

If you want welfare, then the coal needs to be put in the engines before the caboose to keep this train running.

When it comes to redistribution, rich people ONLY stay rich by spending money. There is NO WAY to stay rich unless you are spending or investing money- money that creates jobs and that goes directly into WORKING families hands.

If rich people don't spend their wealth, they won't seem rich, and they won't stay rich- period. They must buy things, invest money, and employ people to stay rich through economic activity.

Final word:

When it comes to my opinion on overall taxation and redistribution, it's this: the more money that isn't tied up in the government, and the less the government conjure up, and the less our national debt is, the better off we are. A healthy government pays for the necessary establishments to preserve our systems and way of life. The more money that stays in the hands of ALL Americans, the better, and it should be the goal of every politician worth their salt to reduce not just taxes, but spending in every facet of government possible in order to lessen the burden on any and every American.
I believe that the government under Obama will not have to take our money.

We will be so inspired by President Obama that Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky will lead a giant 'Million "the man" March' on washington where old rich white men will demand equality and force Obama to take their fortunes.

We will watch in wonder as these trillions of dollars are showered into our ghettos and instantly, the blacks will rise up to become productive leaders in our society. We will finally realize that the systemic problems they faced were just there because we did not throw enough money at them. they will instantly be transformed into nobel lauriates and will toss away their nighttrain and mad dog 20/20 for the sweet nectar of education, civility, and love.

And on that day we will thank President Obama for showing us the way.
this is easy

anybody that is for it stands to benefit

those that are against, do not...

being for income redistribution means you are ok with reducing the US to the lowest common denominator. take a trip down to the nearest ghetto and then get back to us... i imagine you'll change your tune rather quickly.


Don't forget guys, Obama is steadily increasing his net worth...

Just you wait until he starts thinking, "What the hell am I going to do with all of this money? Sh*t, I'd better start pushing for some new tax reform alrite!"
definitely for

There is no way for someone in this country born in the lower or middle class to better their self, the most we can hope for is to win the lottery. All rich people are born into their money and their parents have no right to just give it to them. Even if their parents did actually earn it(which is impossible) just because it's their money doesn't mean they should get to do with it what they want while I can barely pay my cable bill.

that attitude right there is the reason you are in the situation you are in.

lets get one thing straight, if you can barely pay your cable bill, you shouldnt have cable. You should be saving that money. You have your priorities fucked up and would rather be HANDED something (like you complain about rich kids) than work and strive for it.
Wealth redistribution DOES NOT have to be a direct giving of money to the lower classes. Giving money to people who don't know how to spend it well would result in an even shittier situation (though a good situation albeit for KFC).


The money would be used to hire more teachers, build more schools, more fire/police stations, more clinics, more community colleges, lowering housing prices, etc. These are the ways in which the less fortunate should be helped.

so stop thinking its just throwing money at black people
And as a note, I am not for "trickle down" economics. Trickle down economics does not work, because it is a conjured up idea that politicians can support growth by lowering taxes on the rich. This is not true- the government cannot support economic growth because it can't and shouldn't properly reward growth.

The economic system rewards it's own growth with wealth. The more wealth the economic system has, the more growth that can be supported and can occur. SO, for any government looking to foster a great deal of economic growth, it should seek to lower it's spending and taxation on every citizen as much as possible.
Wealth redistribution DOES NOT have to be a direct giving of money to the lower classes. Giving money to people who don't know how to spend it well would result in an even shittier situation (though a good situation albeit for KFC).


The money would be used to hire more teachers, build more schools, more fire/police stations, more clinics, more community colleges, lowering housing prices, etc. These are the ways in which the less fortunate should be helped.

so stop thinking its just throwing money at black people
that attitude right there is the reason you are in the situation you are in.

lets get one thing straight, if you can barely pay your cable bill, you shouldnt have cable. You should be saving that money. You have your priorities fucked up and would rather be HANDED something (like you complain about rich kids) than work and strive for it.

I'm not convinced that having some low end luxuries like cable, internet, cell phones, etc are really the cause or reason why some won't ever be able to lift themselves out of their income brackets.

I guess we can dissect his financials a bit more and get to the core, but do you seriously think that is truly a major reason why he is where he is along with millions of others?

I do believe everyone has an equal opportunity to make it big. But I also believe that there is a small percentage of us that don't even have to try to begin with...and the remainder of us have a natural distaste for them.

Why do most have to try and work, while others have it handed to them? Can't we get something handed to us? Even if it's just a little slice of the pie?
speaking of $700b bailouts, i started reading this for the IOU analogy, but it develops into something else. there are a few things to think about in here.

Suppose you give me a million dollars with the instructions, "Invest this profitably, and I'll pay you well." I'm a sharp dresser -- why not? So I go out onto the street and hand out stacks of bills to random passers-by. Ten thousand dollars each. In return, each scribbles out an IOU for $20,000, payable in five years. I come back to you and say, "Look at these IOUs! I have generated a 20% annual return on your investment." You are very pleased, and pay me an enormous commission.

Now I've got a big stack of IOUs, so I use these "assets" as collateral to borrow even more money, which I lend out to even more people, or sell them to others like myself who do the same. I also buy insurance to cover me in case the borrowers default -- and I pay for it with those self-same IOUs! Round and round it goes, each new loan becoming somebody's asset on which to borrow yet more money. We all rake in huge commissions and bonuses, as the total face value of all the assets we've created from that initial million dollars is now fifty times that.

Reality Sandwich | Money and the Crisis of Civilization
Considering it's exactly the government's services that allow so many people to become rich, I find this statement completely ridiculous. Do you think that we'd have as much trade/commerce if we didn't have roads? Do you think that our financial system would work without the laws/regulations put in place to protect traders/investors/etc.?

I'd prefer they had precisely enough power and money to dish out to paint the double yellow lines down the middle of the street, with no chance of appeal or review.

But, many of my fellow Americans believe these jackasses should be empowered to run something called 'The Economy,' so they end up getting a little more than that, because it is hard to run them when we keep calling them an it.

Remember when they told us that the function of government was to prevent monopolies?

We weren't paying attention to the detals, and instead of serving as the people's monopoly cops, government took it on itself to create monopolies in the marketplace, to pick winners and losers, to enact massive OneSizeFitsAll visions of what The Marketplace in The Economy should be.

Their legitimate job is to enforce fair banking and lending laws, (and not define 'fairness' based only on quotas or numbers or pet soc grad school theories, but actual objective evidence of discrimination.) Their legitimate job is to enforce antidiscrimination laws. Their job is to regulate commerce, ie, make it regular. Weights and standards and practices. Their job is not to pick winners and losers from among their crony friends and favorite special interest groups, or to run markets, or to run social experiments, or to redistribute income, or to target quintile economic statistics in mythical entities called 'quintiles.'

We build an incredibly fucked up world when we set out to subsidize failure and punish success in the name of 'managing outcomes.' Constructivist economies building has failed miserably, and all that is going on now -- by both Democratic and Repuiblican constructivists -- is a frantic effort to spraypaint our current constructivist failure as other than a Pink Slip for the whole idea of THE ECONOMY RUNNING.
I would like to see more of the power with the states and less with the federal government. Let the federal government focus on foreign policy.