
If my daughter got married (or remarried) without even telling me I would be pretty damn upset. It's a very hurtful thing to do.

If the dude she married did not even have the guts to ask me or at least think he should tell me I would hate the pussy prick for ever.

but you make your own bed - you're the one who has to lie in it

best of luck to ya
What is with you stupid fucks and posting your lives on TW.....

I mean Fal, you seem like a smart/decent guy in the games we've played together, you just like the attention/berating?

I don't get it.

As long as your happy though, congrats, and fuck what everyone else thinks.
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O.K. new theory. She's a Jew (conservative parents, it's complicated, live in Florida) and he's not. Her parents won't approve because he's Gentile.
I'm confused. Falhawk has a CRAZY smart fiancee who has been married before. Falhawk can read and has been married before. Yet neither of them can figure out how to go to city hall and get married?
They could have hopped a cheap flight to Vegas and had the whole thing wrapped up in an hour. Honeymoon thrown in - take bags of ice and sneak into the buffet
you could put me in a room with 300 women, 200 wouldn't consider me at all 97 would think I would make a nice friend, 2 other would think maybe, and one would think I was the best thing since Santa found out Frosty's dick tasted like a snow cone. I got to go all in on the snow cone girl is all I am saying.
dood i think you are kinda short and a ginger, but you have trim goatee and look like you're in shape from all of the maine stuff you do iirc

you should be able to find a badass hippie outdoorsy gf or something. too bad all the women in maine are ugly, and that really isnt an overstatement
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probably a cultural thing

its just not common or necessary round these parts
maybe not necessary but it will endear you to her family and make your future together a little bit smoother from the onset

some people will definitely be offended if this courtesy isn't extended

gl fal