Good Bye. The End

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Ptavv said:
Why Thesis, what have you got to lose for saying "Hey don't do it, it's a waste of your life?". Oh god forbid he was doing it for attention, even if he was, pat yourself on the back and say "Hey I helped save someone's life tonight, no matter how small a part I played".

It's not like people are laughing at you for expressing sympathy for someone who wants/needs it.

i think it's partially because i see suicide as a very shameful, cowardly act. and my respect for the person who commits it is very low.

but even worse, for someone (aka all the suicide thread posters here) to pretend that they are going to commit suicide because they want attention is the lowest of the low in my eyes. to act as though they will carry through with such a shameful action just for a brief moment in the spotlight, well, that's really fucking sad.

it's not a matter of sympathy. if someone lost a loved one, i would give them my condolences without hesitation.
Inquisitor[Inq] said:
You are missing the fundamental point that sometimes it only takes one thing to make someone on the edge make the last, terminal step.

If a smile can save someones life (they can), and nothing more complicated than not saying hello to someone can kill (it can), cutting/belittling comments on what someone may perceive as their last bastion of belonging sure as hell can be a deciding factor too.

No one forced me to believe you are an asshole, but I do now. If someone was walking on a bridge and ends up tottering on the edge no one is forcing you to stick out your hand to save them either - but how will you feel if they fall?

The last thing neighbor told one of my aunts when they heard she was depressed was on the lines 'Oh it'll be allright - suck it up things aren't too bad'. She (my aunt) was dead 3 hours later. Little things Joemomma, little things.
Nonesense Inquis, it would be far more fun to simply make fun of them for not being able to handle their problems like "normal" people... despite the fact that most people in this country have suffered clinical depression sometime in their life. But that really doesn't matter does it? :rolleyes:
Thesis said:
i think it's partially because i see suicide as a very shameful, cowardly act. and my respect for the person who commits it is very low.

but even worse, for someone (aka all the suicide thread posters here) to pretend that they are going to commit suicide because they want attention is the lowest of the low in my eyes. to act as though they will carry through with such a shameful action just for a brief moment in the spotlight, well, that's really fucking sad.

it's not a matter of sympathy. if someone lost a loved one, i would give them my condolences without hesitation.
Why not be preventative instead of conciliatory after the fact?
Inquisitor[Inq] said:
Is one persons life worth deciding that you can judge every person on someone elses past history?

is it worth getting worked up over a suicide notice for the 45326th time and end up being a hoax once again?

call me desensitized.
Is it really that difficult to say to yourself "it's probly a hoax but I ought to offer a word of encouragement anyway?"
Thesis said:
i think it's partially because i see suicide as a very shameful, cowardly act. and my respect for the person who commits it is very low.
Yes. Because you're completely qualified to judge someone's worth based on the state of their life.

I'll admit that most people that kill themselves are likely angst-ridden retards that do it for no real reason.
But there are some that are truly hopeless and just don't want to put up with the world any longer. I don't find that "shameful." I find it sad that the world creates people like that and no one cares...
Ptavv said:
Fortunately for the future of the world then few, if any, people give a shit about your opinion JoeMamma... I hope you have someone close to you kill themselves because they felt they couldn't talk to people close to them, reached out to strangers for help, and got turned away.

I love you.

On one side we have "OMG JOE HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL. HE IS A PERSON blah blah"

then we have


You rock my socks.

As for Inquisitor, if my smile or frown made or broke their lives, should I feel guilty for it? Hell no. I understand it's the little things, but I also understand it's no more my job to help this kid than it is your job to not. If you want to help him, fine, create the nerd sadness tribalwar online forum tribes suicide note thread relief fund (or NSTOFTSNTRF) and start collecting donations.

But seriously, if anything on here made his mind up one way or the other, he's at a level of needing help that NONE of us could even begin to offer.

It's a moot point no matter any way you look at it.
Ptavv said:
Why not be preventative instead of conciliatory after the fact?

because a person serious about suicide doesn't post on internet forums.

i used to give my sympathies and tell the person that he had everything to live for in the beginning. after a while, it became painfully obvious that the only ones who post such threads seek attention. nothing more.
Kurayami said:
Yes. Because you're completely qualified to judge someone's worth based on the state of their life.

I'll admit that most people that kill themselves are likely angst-ridden retards that do it for no real reason.
But there are some that are truly hopeless and just don't want to put up with the world any longer. I don't find that "shameful." I find it sad that the world creates people like that and no one cares...

100% fuckin incorrect. The world is full of choices. Sure some people have easier ones than others, but no one is without choice. If they are in a rut that they can't get out of, it's their choice to stay there.

Don't ever accuse the world of harping down on someone. Anyone who feels that way needs to wake the fuck up to a nice glass of reality.
Good to know the world is full of so many caring souls... anyway I give up I'm going to bed.
Thesis said:
is it worth getting worked up over a suicide notice for the 45326th time and end up being a hoax once again?

call me desensitized.
There is a difference between being worked up, being helpful, and jsut being an ass. If you think they are just going for attention don't post. Posting and making fun of the thread starter is just petty and makes you look like an ass. Leave the thread than to those of us who wouldn't feel quite right not saying something in case the 45327th person is serious. Life may not be all that precious to you, but it is to me. Feel free to laugh at us trying to 'help', but do it silently.
Joemomma5000 said:
100% fuckin incorrect. The world is full of choices. Sure some people have easier ones than others, but no one is without choice. If they are in a rut that they can't get out of, it's their choice to stay there.

Don't ever accuse the world of harping down on someone. Anyone who feels that way needs to wake the fuck up to a nice glass of reality.
Right. People don't get constantly stomped on until they break in this world.
Sorry. My mistake :rolleyes:
Ptavv said:
Is it really that difficult to say to yourself "it's probly a hoax but I ought to offer a word of encouragement anyway?"

Yes, because we'd be doing nothing but encouraging yet another troll to tug on your heartstrings and actually come to his "rescue" against all us heartless bastards who can see through yet another bullshit thread. If he needs or wants help coming here is the most foolish choice. If it makes you feel better so you can sleep at night that you saved another troll from "suiciding" then by all means have at it. I wouldn't be so hard on those of us who actually see through this crap and are totally desensitized to it however.
Kurayami said:
Yes. Because you're completely qualified to judge someone's worth based on the state of their life.

I'll admit that most people that kill themselves are likely angst-ridden retards that do it for no real reason.
But there are some that are truly hopeless and just don't want to put up with the world any longer. I don't find that "shameful." I find it sad that the world creates people like that and no one cares...

and yet you judge me for my judgement. everyone is entitled to their opinions.

i speak from experience. suicide is a very selfish and pathetic thing. i admit, there may be cases in which the person really has no other choice. but how many of those are there?
I can understand you aren't obligated to try to help others Joe. My point of consternation is the people who when given the choice of 'stay silent' and 'mock the depressed guy' they choose the second
Inquisitor[Inq] said:
There is a difference between being worked up, being helpful, and jsut being an ass. If you think they are just going for attention don't post. Posting and making fun of the thread starter is just petty and makes you look like an ass. Leave the thread than to those of us who wouldn't feel quite right not saying something in case the 45327th person is serious. Life may not be all that precious to you, but it is to me. Feel free to laugh at us trying to 'help', but do it silently.

actually, i didn't post until he admitted it was fake. and i didn't laugh nor try to undermine the attempts by the other posters in trying to help.
Okay, next "suicide" thread. Rich gets hit by a train, that he let hit himself, however secretly it wasn't suicide, the black and white train that smashes his fuck was really a conspiracy to kill, and not suicide!
Joemomma5000 said:
Hey, you break, your choice.

Lots of people get stomped on and keep moving.
....and lots of people don't get stomped on as much.

Let's make an analogy.
Thesis gets shot in the leg on his 3rd tour in 'nam. He heals. One day he happens upon someone who has been shot 13 times in each leg, 5 times in the stomach, 7 times in the arm, and 3 times in the face. Thesis looks at him and says "GET UP YOU FUCKING PUSSY! I'VE BEEN SHOT TOO AND GONE ON. IT'S YOUR CHOICE TO LAY THERE."

Do you understand the analogy?
You have no grounds for judging someone else's life of the severity of their problems.
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