Epstein dead

Jeffrey Epsteins Broken Hyoid Neck Bone: How Common Is It? | Heavy.com

Multiple studies from different countries have backed up several critical points in The Post’s article: Namely that the hyoid bone being broken is more common in strangulation homicide deaths, but it does occur in a fair number of suicides by hanging, especially in older people.

Three authors specifically studied broken hyoid bones in hanging cases in the article Fractures of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage in suicidal hanging. They conducted “A prospective study of hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage fractures in Thai people who died from suicidal hanging between November 2008 and August 2009.”

The results of that study found that a broken hyoid occurred in about one-fourth of cases: “Twenty male cases of suicidal hanging were reviewed. Fractures of the hyoid bone and/or thyroid cartilage were found in five cases (25%).” This study also noted: “Fractures of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage in 25% of Thais who died of suicidal hanging were related with older ages and incomplete hanging but not related with location of the knot.”
i guess i'm living with my dirt in the sand but i kinda don't find it hard to believe he killed himself

Suicide and the Publicly Exposed Pedophile

not to mention like half of murdered inmates are sex offenders and setting it up to look like suicide is typical

just doesn't seem that implausible is all

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. The article you posted argues that being publicly exposed as a pedophile makes someone suicidal. No one is arguing that a man in Epstein's position would be suicidal. We are arguing that it is very unlikely he would be dead (from either suicide or homicide) without the help from at least one other human being in what is considered one of the most secure jails in the world, where few, if any, suicides have been previously successful. This is not a conspiracy theory.
if clinton didn't want him dead he would still be alive and singing

i just hope q managed to debrief agent epstein before they got him
Epstein Compared Homosexuality To Pedophilia In Interview Before His Death

We have heard this argument here at TW from someone.. can't remember his name

I've noticed that the MSM is constantly referring to Epstein as a pedophile when, as far as I can tell, he wasn't a pedophile but a Hebephile or, an Ephebophile. I know I am mincing words here but the media knows this and I cannot figure out why they are doing it?

This is being done on purpose and I can't figure out why. The State and the MSM are currently fighting back against the public and the 'crazy' conspiracy theories surrounding the man born to a family, but they themselves are adding to it by protecting him.
Wonder if they will stop now?
So Epstein is murdered to keep him quiet - so the other person to hold the keys to the sexual escapades is his madame - Ghislaine Maxwell - What's the over/under on her impending suicide/plane accident/heart attack?
Well she is enjoying a little in and out.. Heyooo!!!

Is she really not in custody?
She's a woman. Automatically gets a victim card and is prolly telling the DA that she was FORCED to do what she did; that she feared for her life because the man who was born to a family was, well, a man.
As the Jeffrey Epstein Case Grows, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact | Vanity Fair

Here’s a pretty good read

Guess the guy had a bunch of weird creepy artwork around his house like a stuffed black poodle, a female mannequin hanging from a chandelier, and a hallway filled with portraits of eyeballs.

Soon the tunnel connecting comet pizza to Epstein’s mansion will be discovered and we’re gonna have to import some guillotines from France to deal with all these perverts.

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I've always wondered about what the fuss is thinking that execution is complicated or painful. The best thing the french ever gave us, (can we give back the Statue of Liberty and send that fucking plaque to Israel already?) No need for drugs or mishaps... quick and painless...it's the way I'd want to go.

Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin
Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin was born in Saintes, France in 1738 and elected to the French National Assembly in 1789. He belonged to a small political reform movement that wanted to banish the death penalty completely. Guillotin argued for a painless and private capital punishment method equal for all the classes, as an interim step towards completely banning the death penalty.
