[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Yeah... Democrats be like Ukraine? Why are we so obsessed with Ukraine?


They're only running an undeclared war against our cold war nemesis, under the table.... as Adam Schiff says "over there, so we don't have to fight them over here".
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Remember: when Repugnicants say "fiscal responsibility," what they really mean is "tax cuts for the ultra rich and a big fuck you to the rest of you."
fiscal responsibility is on hold we'll go back to reeeing about the debt clock and posting it in ever thread if there's ever another dem in office
Remember: when Repugnicants say "fiscal responsibility," what they really mean is "tax cuts for the ultra rich and a big fuck you to the rest of you."

ever got a job from a poor person?


Now you know why the wealthy and corps get much of their tax cuts
"We the people" can not be trusted to vote for the President... it is too important to leave it up to the American Citizen to decide an election... says the guy who thinks America is the worlds oldest democracy.

Remember: when Repugnicants say "fiscal responsibility," what they really mean is "tax cuts for the ultra rich and a big fuck you to the rest of you."

yo JBL

you agree with the statement that the value of money is worth more to 'poor' people?
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