[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

He seems like one of those christian guilt types who can't deal with the fact that he's really good at something.

Seems like a black dude to me. Lots of them are religious, even the ones that bust a cap in a niggas ass. His job will be community outreach for Trump's inner cities plan.

"Worthless Jew Shill nitpicks brilliant brain surgeon who came from nothing and became one of the most important political figures of the decade."

With a more accurate title, the video underlines how unfunny Kimmel is.
What's funny is the Trumpers don't realize that with the whole pro life thing they are now lumped in with all the religious nuts out there. Yeah, I'm sure the guy who has a pic of himself and jesus hanging in his house is perfectly well adjusted and normal.

I'll never understand those people. They are all for any war we go to, but try and talk about an abortion for a rape victim or something and they flip their shit.
What's funny is the Trumpers don't realize that with the whole pro life thing they are now lumped in with all the religious nuts out there. Yeah, I'm sure the guy who has a pic of himself and jesus hanging in his house is perfectly well adjusted and normal.

I'll never understand those people. They are all for any war we go to, but try and talk about an abortion for a rape victim or something and they flip their shit.

I'm a trump supporter. I'm not religious in any way. I generally feel that there is little difference between late term abortions and murder. I've haven't supported a war since WWII.
If the Democrats aren't murdering babies, they are busy molesting them at pizza parlors.... what a bunch of sick freaks. Everyone who's a Democrat supports baby murder and baby rape.
Hillary cares little about the lives of children or mothers. She only cares about the money Planned Parenthood provides her.

Do you also believe in tax payer supported abortions?
the continued melt from hilldawgs (see above) over everything he does/says/tweets is pretty good too

it was ok at first but now it's annoying and disheartening. america didn't learn anything about itself. my guess is next election cycle, the liberals are going to double down with their insanity.

for instance, the media created trump, the DNC/hillary created trump, and the pied piper plan backfired. this isn't pizzagate conspiritard stuff - it is a fact that trump was one of the dnc's picks for the republican nominee. it's a fact that the DNC screwed bernie sanders. will hardline democrats look at their party and blame it for the USA being stuck with a reality tv star? will they feel guilt by association that well-connected millionaires/billionaires used their money and influence to tamper with democratic processes within two separate political parties? nope, this must all be the fault of the fake news and whatever other boogeyman made clinton lose.
it was ok at first but now it's annoying and disheartening. america didn't learn anything about itself. my guess is next election cycle, the liberals are going to double down with their insanity.

next electioin cycle?



we got work to do meow!!!
The alternative is a lifetime of welfare.

Maybe... just maybe we could fund birth control for poor areas and maybe prevent even a few hood rats from ever being born. But no... the bible thumpers can't have that.

Uhh, they don't use birth control even if it's free cuz that shit ain't real yo! Plus Yolanda gets a baby, she get free money from the government for 18 years.
idk if ur playing capitalist manipulation games on ppl not in the know ur a predator

tie that in with a pipe beating or two or a robbery

you have aspd

you dont own me no matter how much of a nice mic u r

could put ur family on a leash if u want tho

but id prefer not to as i actually respect absent