Absent and Xcursion

You silly Nazi cunts.

Today I had a Holocaust survivor and the son of a Holocaust survivor in my college, it really makes the story more heart-rending when you have the ability to relate it to a real life person. I think you two should go hunt one down and have a nice chat, it would cure you of your idiocy.
Once you have heard his testimony of being in 9 different slave labour camps, then being transferred to Auschwitz-Birkenau, undergoing all the tortures of hell. Seeing an old Polish Jew on the verge of tears as he shows you his number tattooed on his arm; it could make ANYONE change their views.
Once you have heard his testimony of being in 9 different slave labour camps, then being transferred to Auschwitz-Birkenau, undergoing all the tortures of hell. Seeing an old Polish Jew on the verge of tears as he shows you his number tattooed on his arm; it could make ANYONE change their views.

Awesome. Let me tell you the heartbreaking story of another oven dodger:

Joe Rosenblum was only a teenage yid when deh eefil Nazzis invaded Poland, and took over his town. Because Joe looked Aryan, Joe was able to sneak in front of the Germans, and get food for his family. The family spent from 1939 to 1942 hiding beneath the floorboards of a farmhouse.

Then Joe decided he would kill Germans. Joe would strangle the Germans from behind with his bare hands. Once Joe jumped 3 Germans - shot one, and stabbed the other two.

Then deh eefil Gestapo Nazzis wounded Joe. But a cousin rescued Joe. Just in time, too, because the Germans machine gunned his brother.

Then the family was sent to Treblinka. Joe's mother suffocated in a cattle car on the way there. But Joe's dad kicked out a window. Joe's father ran away, abandoning his family to their fate.

Then Joe was at the Death Camp of Madjanyk. Joe would eat frogs and bark off trees.

But deh eefil Nazzis did not kill Joe at the Death Camp. Instead, deh eefil Nazzis sent Joe to build the Auschwitz Death Camp.

Then Joe built the camp, and cleaned Mengele's boots. In his free time, Joe would carry bodies to the corpse pile. Joe would also serve as a secret messenger for the underground. Mengele's secretary was a member.

Then Joe got sick from wet clothing. He went to the hospital, and Mengele operated on Joe. For some reason, Mengele cracked Joe's bones, and operated on Joe with a chisel and a hammer.

Then deh eefil Nazzis forgot about killing Joe in the Polish Death camp, and sent him to Dachau in Germany.

Then deh eefil Nazzis decided they really did want to kill Joe after all, so they sent Joe on a Death March to Switzerland. But Joe miraculously survived.

Joe never told his story to anyone for 60 years, not even his wife.

Now Joe has written a book about his sad tale.
Sipher said that 'god' willed the Holocaust to happen.

He also said Hitler was in heaven.
Hitler was acting on God's behalf when he defended himself against the Jewish Christ-killers.

God wanted the Holocaust because the Jews are deicidal maniacs.
Sipher said that 'god' willed the Holocaust to happen.

He also said Hitler was in heaven.
something that made me stop being religious:

I realized that, for the bible to work, someone HAD to be Judas. Why would an all-loving being set people up for failure just to make himself look better?
Woah, slow down all accusations of Jew toleration. I am as anti-semitic as the next man, but the holocaust was a step too far; they should have just deported them to Madagascar.