Scripts for Tribes 1.40


Just unzip into your tribes directory. Will overwrite the old, useless one.


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cool. much better looking than the version i wrote. is anubis updating the first post as people post new scripts? with descriptions and screenshots. that'd be awesome.
post the one you doods want converted
if it's the cowboy one be prepared to [strike]get fucked[/strike] wait a while

edit: oh and what config has the demo drop popup window that lets you chose whether to drop or not
plasdemocam would be nice to have. A demohud (of sorts) is already in 1.40. You can control the speed, but only from your point of view. plasdemocam that needs converting:

// democam v1.0
// original code by runar (and freaky?) + dynamix dev team for editor camera code
// retard version by andrew
// usage:	add exec("plasdemocam.cs"); to your autoexec.cs
//			hit 'p' while watching a demo to launch the demo
//			camera. from there you have a few key options
//			'1'->'9': alter demo cam movement speed (1=slowest, 9=fastest)
//			w,a,s,d: move forward/back/left/right (standard fps controls)
//			e,c: move up/down (necessary to get up from below terrain)
//			up: demo speed normal
//			down: pause demo
//			left: slow down demo
//			right: fast forward demo
// NOTE:	demo cam moves independant of demo speed. you may pause
//			the demo and fly around freely in the frozen world
// TIP:		the cam spawns in rather random spots. if you find you can't locate 
//			the playing field, fire up hm.exe (perma indicators) and head
//			in the direction of the triangles. hm.exe also gives you player
//			name/health indicators for every player in sight. vanilla tribes
//			gives nothing for non-triangled players

// edited by Plasmatic 
// added multiple cameras, and switching through them by hitting spacebar.
// cleaned up the code some also..

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "p", TO, "if($playingDemo)DemoCam::Create();");

function DemoCam::Create()
	//remember the first cams id# (player perspective) -plasmatic.
	$cam[0] = Group::getObject(9, 0);

	// create cam
	%CameraID = newobject(DemoCam, EditCamera, "move.sae");

	addtoset(9, %CameraID); // SimCameraSet
	addtoset(6, %CameraID); // Simset

	// Attach it
	postAction(PlayGui, Attach, DemoCam);
	// Default move speed
	// Add the id of the current cam to list.. -plasmatic
	$cam[$camnum] = %CameraID;
	$camcurrent = $camnum;

// democam keybinds v1.0
// original code by runar (and freaky?)
// retard version by andrew

// Set up a default movement action map file
function DemoCam::Move( %speed, %posRot )
	if( %speed == "" )
		$MoveSpeed = 2;
		$MoveSpeed = %speed;

	if( %posRot == "" )
		$PosRotation = 0.2;
		$PosRotation = %posRot;

	%NegRotation = strcat( "-", $PosRotation );

	bindAction( keyboard, make, a, TO, IDACTION_MOVELEFT, $MoveSpeed );
	bindAction( keyboard, break, a, TO, IDACTION_MOVELEFT, 0 );
	bindAction( keyboard, make, d, TO, IDACTION_MOVERIGHT, $MoveSpeed );
	bindAction( keyboard, break, d, TO, IDACTION_MOVERIGHT, 0 );
	bindAction( keyboard, make, s, TO, IDACTION_MOVEBACK, $MoveSpeed );
	bindAction( keyboard, break, s, TO, IDACTION_MOVEBACK, 0 );
	bindAction( keyboard, make, w, TO, IDACTION_MOVEFORWARD, $MoveSpeed );
	bindAction( keyboard, break, w, TO, IDACTION_MOVEFORWARD, 0 );
	bindAction( keyboard, make, e, TO, IDACTION_MOVEUP, $MoveSpeed );
	bindAction( keyboard, break, e, TO, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 0 );
	bindAction( keyboard, make, c, TO, IDACTION_MOVEDOWN, $MoveSpeed );
	bindAction( keyboard, break, c, TO, IDACTION_MOVEDOWN, 0 );

	bindAction(mouse0, xaxis0, TO, IDACTION_YAW, Flip, Scale, 0.002005);
	bindAction(mouse0, yaxis0, TO, IDACTION_PITCH, Flip, Scale, 0.002005);

	bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "up", TO, "Demo::demoKey();");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "up", TO, "$Null = '';");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "down", TO, "Demo::demoKey(pause);");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "down", TO, "$Null = '';");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "left", TO, "Demo::demoKey(sd);");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "left", TO, "$Null = '';");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "right", TO, "Demo::demoKey(ff);");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "right", TO, "$Null = '';");
	// modify space to switch cams -plasmatic
	bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "space", TO, "DemoCam::switch();");
	bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "space", TO, "$Null = '';");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 1, to, "DemoCam::Move(1);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 2, to, "DemoCam::Move(3);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 3, to, "DemoCam::Move(6);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 4, to, "DemoCam::Move(12);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 5, to, "DemoCam::Move(24);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 6, to, "DemoCam::Move(50);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 7, to, "DemoCam::Move(100);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 8, to, "DemoCam::Move(200);");
	bindCommand( keyboard, make, 9, to, "DemoCam::Move(400);");

//cowboys code sup..
$Demo::Scale[0] = 0.0;
$Demo::Scale[1] = 0.00390625;
$Demo::Scale[2] = 0.0078125;
$Demo::Scale[3] = 0.015625;
$Demo::Scale[4] = 0.03125;
$Demo::Scale[5] = 0.0625;
$Demo::Scale[6] = 0.125;
$Demo::Scale[7] = 0.25;
$Demo::Scale[8] = 0.5;
$Demo::Scale[9] = 1;
$Demo::Scale[10] = 2;
$Demo::Scale[11] = 3;
$Demo::Scale[12] = 4;
$Demo::Scale[13] = 5;
$Demo::Scale[14] = 6;
$Demo::Scale[15] = 8;
$Demo::Scale[16] = 10;
$Demo::Scale[17] = 12;
$Demo::Scale[18] = 14;
$Demo::Scale[19] = 16;
$Demo::Scale[20] = 20;
$Demo::Scale[21] = 24;
$Demo::Scale[22] = 28;
$Demo::Scale[23] = 32;
$Demo::Scale[24] = 36;

$Demo::SpeedLimit = 24;

function Demo::demoKey(%demoFunc)
	if ($playingDemo)

function Demo::ChangeSpeed(%speed) 
	if ($PlayingDemo) 
		if (%speed == pause)
			$Demo::CurrentScale = 0;
		else if (%speed == sd)
		else if (%speed == ff) 
			$Demo::CurrentScale = 9;
		$Demo::CurrentScale = 9;

	if ($Demo::CurrentScale < 0)
		$Demo::CurrentScale = 0;
	else if ($Demo::CurrentScale > $Demo::SpeedLimit)
		$Demo::CurrentScale = $Demo::SpeedLimit;
	$SimGame::TimeScale = $Demo::Scale[$Demo::CurrentScale];

$Demo::CurrentScale = 9;

//new here by plasmatic
function DemoCam::switch()
//	unfocus($cam[$camcurrent]);
	if($camcurrent > $camnum)
		$camcurrent = 0;
	echo("switching to cam # "@$camcurrent@" id# "@$cam[$camcurrent]);
	postAction(PlayGui, Attach, $cam[$camcurrent]);

//load up the demo at speed 6 to save time -plasmatic
function ELM()
		$SimGame::TimeScale = 6.0;
		setCursor(MainWindow, "Cur_Arrow.bmp");
		GuiLoadContentCtrl(MainWindow, "gui\\Recordings.gui");
		$SimGame::TimeScale = 1.0;
		$InLobbyMode = true;
		GuiLoadContentCtrl(MainWindow, "gui\\Lobby.gui");
1.40 jump jet still sticks with the ski... is it just me or did IA use happy ski or some variation of it? also is there a way to make it break after jump jetting instead of locking the ski in motion?
also I've used plas demo cam just fine in 1.40 with barely any problems other than trying to rewind but i already know it doesn't work like that same goes for other 1.11 scripts...
1.40 jump jet still sticks with the ski... is it just me or did IA use happy ski or some variation of it? also is there a way to make it break after jump jetting instead of locking the ski in motion?

jump-jet works fine

you're using a broken script

learn to edit not double post dummy
1.40 jump jet still sticks with the ski... is it just me or did IA use happy ski or some variation of it? also is there a way to make it break after jump jetting instead of locking the ski in motion?

Scripted allows interval manipulation, so I prefer that over 1.40's. There is a way to make it break, and even a way to make it like 1.11, but it requires a hack. I don't really feel like wasting time on either right now though.

I know there's a working script for what you're asking for floating around here somewhere.
Looking for an incoming script for 1.4...

I used to have a script in my old config where I could press either numpad 2,4,6 or 8 for incoming behind left right front...

I'm tried to figure out how to add it to 1.4, but I'm shit.

Would anyone be kind enough to knock one up for me?

Kisses in advance

p.s. Is there a demo drop function in 1.4?

previous page has demodrop (no toggle lazy code)

incoming script should work anyway but post old one

Here is a chaingun script for 1.40z I found.

//  1.40z version by Anubis
$FleaFire::ChainDuration = 0.03; // og = 0.4
$FleaFire::ChainDelay = 0.04; // og = 0.8
$FleaFire::ChainSens="1.1"; // normal sensitivity/chain sensitivity when firing chain (2=half sensitivity when firing chaingun 1=no change)

function FleaFire::OnFire() {
	if( getMountedItem(0) == 13 ) {
		$FleaFire::Chaining = 1;
		sensitivity( ( $normalsens / $chainsens ) );
		postAction(2048, IDACTION_FIRE1, 0);

function FleaFire::OnRelease() {
	if(getmounteditem(0)>1) // lets not confuse the pilot scripts
	sensitivity( $normalsens );
	postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 0);
	$FleaFire::Chaining = 0;

function FleaFire::ChainSpurt()
	if (getMountedItem(0) == 13) {
 		if($FleaFire::Chaining) {
			postAction(2048, IDACTION_FIRE1, 1);
			schedule::add("FleaFire::pauseShooting();", $FleaFire::ChainDuration);
			postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 0);

function FleaFire::pauseShooting()
	postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 0);
	schedule::add("FleaFire::ChainSpurt();", $FleaFire::ChainDelay);

function FleaChain::BindInit()
  after GameBinds::Init {
	$GameBinds::CurrentMapHandle = GameBinds::GetActionMap2( "playMap.sae");
	$GameBinds::CurrentMap = "playMap.sae";
	GameBinds::addBindCommand( "Flea Chain", "FleaFire::OnFire();", "FleaFire::OnRelease();");