Hey Progressives... how are you pansies feeling? Please let us know.


Veteran XX
Hope you [insert pronoun here] are doing alright.

We can get you some Play-Doh, crayons and some scissors without sharp ends if you need something safe and constructive to keep your mind at ease.

Labelling millennials 'snowflakes' damages their mental health, reveals survey of 16-24 year olds

The controversial term is now fashionable to use when describing young adults who are seen as taking offence easily and emotionally vulnerable.

Almost three quarters of 16-24 year olds surveyed believe the moniker is unfair and are adamant it could negatively affect their mental health.

The findings, made by insurance firm Aviva, were derived from a survey of 2,022 British participants between those ages.

The thoughts were echoed by adults of all ages, with 58 per cent claiming the label is unfairly applied, the survey showed.

A further 57 per cent felt that the term 'generation snowflake' could also harm the mental health of young people.

The worst affected

A separate study also released by Aviva today suggests that 16-24 year olds are the worst-affected by mental health issues.

Around three in five have experienced a mental health condition, compared to just under half of adults over the age of 24.

Some 46 per cent of young adults say they have suffered from anxiety in the past 12 months - significantly higher than the 35 per cent recorded by adults.

It comes after the Government's behaviour tsar last February labelled students who demand to be protected from controversial views as snowflakes.

Tom Bennett said that the problem began at school when too many children were protected from the 'harsher realities of the world'.

And last month the Mail on Sunday uncovered that growing numbers of 'snowflake' students are appealing for special exemptions after missing essay deadlines.

Our paper's investigation found top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, were inundated with thousands of appeals last year - because students overslept.

This too shall pass.
:shrug: if the shoe fits

I see more people over 45 melting down at the drop of a hat than i do people my own age. Then again, i dont generally hang out with pussies. Most of my circle are fellow metalheads and musicians.
if you listen to these people it is always the same

it will start with an anecdote about the world

some saying or thought

then immediately go back to them and how they feel about that

how that feeling is some kind of basis for a larger universal truth that we must all share (but obviously don't and never will) and that the planet, galaxy, universe really serves no other purpose or point beyond that

this is usually when they close their eyes and really hyper focus on what their heart is telling them as if that held any actual bearing on the original statement or that anyone else in the room has cared enough to make it that far with them

in short............

mental illness

clinically proven and tested time and time again

mayor val johnson is clearly infected

my diagnosis is Toxoplasmosis and the plight of being a cat lady


go to bed under inclusivity tent with detrimental white guilt rise with hep b

San Diego opens giant tent to contain hepatitis outbreak - ABC News
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Got to get some recognition and attention somehow. Melting down much easier than hard work. Ppl now acting like society ladies in Victorian England. Bring on the smelling salts, I predict a rash of fainting in our near future.
The permanently triggered caucus calling out millennials for being whiny snowflakes is fucking hilarious and will never get old.
People are not talking about the opposite of a snowflake. I call them the fuckyouflakes. The upcoming lot of teens falls into those two camps. My money is on the fuckyouflakes for the win.