Tribes 20th Anniversary Weekend

Had a hankering to play today. Glad you guys are still around.

YAYAY keep coming tell others, and once I see enough people showing up again will HOST SUNDAY NIGHT BASE PU GAMES 5PM West? 6pm WEST? 4pm WEST?

You guys tell me. We can do this I will lead one team. I know SNAPPLE of Tribes OG fame could lead the other. I know 100% KoV-Kermit could lead the other.

IE- Natural you want to play some base? Over 3000 views my gut tells me you are at least one of them? You loved this game before a lot others did and you are a legend in the Tribes Hall of Fame- do not want to lead? Come play on my team :) Come play on any team just come play!

POE- Bourbon? Where are you? you alive? Something tells me you have seen this post. You were one of the great leaders of this game. I could only wish you would or ANY old POE players.

=S3= Rasta? You alive? Any =S3= but Deathavoc around anymore?

IE/5150/S3 - You can all COMBINE a team if you want - the only 3 teams that can. For the presence of you guys as a team combined even would be huge for the LAN , Tribes and making others more serious about coming.

SES- Ya I am talking to you South Eastern Slayers!

I do not care if the team for the Reunion LAN were not TOP teams. I just want old teams with at least 7 of there players and they can add 7 random others. -W- will be adding randoms also if we can make this happen. Opsayo is one as you can see ;)

If you want to lead a team you were on but were not the leader and can get players back to? DM me in discord in Tribes Talk or the Wolpfack channel. Idle in my channel and I will see if we can get the interest up.

If old teams, players great or good or even solid, or even alive still with enough players you are welcome. We need at least 6 teams of at least 10 to 14 players max. That is it and I can make this happen. I would love 8?

If people want to make random teams of 14. Then this is the new rules. 10 of those players have to be old school. I mean played on the OGL ladder or TWL league in the early days. Reached the TOP 10 on the ladder at least. And then you can add 4 other random players of anyone. This maybe will help make it happen.

EUROS+ AUSSIES You guys can make 1 team combined and if you make the trip all the way to Vegas for it because you are part of making it happen- or not. Will do something special for you guys to show my appreciation for the extreme dedication to come over seas to Vegas and take part. Ever fuck a dime piece? ;) Point is, I get you are so far away, that's why I said use any from Europe+ Australia.

Lastly no LAN reunion 20 year in Vegas? -W-will have a reunion and -W- SuReFiRe and I will be renting a SICK house through air b&B. It will have a pool and hot tube and all kind of stuff. I mean a fucking sick mansion like house/property for the weekend, and I will throw a massive pool party for anyone who played Tribes and wants to come.

Far warning there will be FULL security and its Nevada so they will be armed.

All will be allowed to attend this if its all that can happen and not the LAN- will have to DM me in discord and tell me they want to come. Tell me who they are, what team they played for. I am not doing this for you and your buddy who never even played a single game. If you do bring someone who didn't play Tribes you have to bring 5 good looking girls to every 1 guy who wasn't a Tribers player. This is for Tribes players really to have a fun time, do the POD-CAST 20 year, and one last weekend of fun with the Tribes community or what is left of it at least :) well see I guess. Its not even the middle of August yet. Cut off date for LAN is OCT 20th. I have so much to plan and if there is not enough interested by then- I am not paying for it and the -W- reunion will take its place. We are not doing nothing!! O ya and Ill bring some entertainment to this party-what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

One last thing- all your phones will be taken and stored in a safe by security when you get there. I am not kidding. If you cannot apply to this , don't come. If you cannot understand why? They learn more about life. If I am going to pay for all of this ( booze free FYI) These things are not up for debate. No needs to have a cell phone on them at a pool party with hot girls all over anyways- least I won't.

I am doing my best to try and do something fun and special beyond the POD-CAST- Lyon has been kind enough to take on set up and organize. I will still do it no matter what. You do not want to miss this :) I got dirt, some more dirt and cement and all kinds of stuff no one knows and hasn't heard, and probably never would unless you tune in. Its a wide range of stuff. Open book- ask anything you want. I will tel you all my -W- strats, all why we did what, in -W- how we did it, anything.

Deahthavoc is also going to join us from =S3= fame and -W- :)

It should be a fun time! If you did not play in the matches you wished you did then tune in, If you were curious about stuff and want to know the answers- ask them. If you want to talk shit, bring it on. If you want to threaten me, lol I don't care,. If you want to tell me i ruined tribes bring it on we can debate that also. I warn you though I might type like a cant talk, I might have shitty grammar on TW because I do not care.

I warn you come ready and prepared if you plan to try and challenge/debate me on anything- i remember it all. I will be 100% honest and if you cant handle that? That is on you. If you do not believe me 20 years later, well then I feel kinda sad for you that still you cannot get over a video game almost decades old.

This is suppose to be fun, and to talk about, and relish the fact we all played the best game ever made and its a tribute to that-not about me. Its Lyons pod cast, I am just a guest. Respect that and him for doing this. If it wasn't for Lyon messaging me asking if i do it, I wouldn't be doing ANY this other stuff I said i would or the pod-cast.

Lyon deserves some credit for what he has started and is doing. I could name 50 other Tribes players that could do this that I know and are well way more known than him and they are not. That is why I am also helping him and trying to make this work.

One last thing before you have the itch to post trolling bullshit to me if you are, think about what what Lyon is trying to do for everyone who played Tribes by starting this and taking the energy and time to try and make it happen. Then think about what i am wiling to do further.

The -W- reunion party is happening 100% in Vegas. You want to come? Remember that when you post bullshit lies about me or my teammates or even this game. I am not doing this for the people who post like this,. I will give you all the time and place. You can show up sure- then a dime piece half naked girl will tell you to go away showing you what you are missing out on. All because you cant act mature 20 years later on a gaming forum. How can I expect any different in RL? I cannot. You will not get in but you will wish you did.

All the cell phones might be taken when you get there- but pictures will be taken and lots, just not by anyone of anyone doing anything, without anyone consent. This is basic practice at high end parties with important people, Then again I doubt most of you have been to such an event or party before.

Nothing like the first time! Be respectful and treat people will respect and the girls and I will invite you too others down the road possibly. Don't? You will find out why I have security really fast. Nothing about this is illegal. So do not come at me with that either., My lawyers are far fucking better than most. Again warning you.

Treat the girls and Tribes players with respect is all I ask if you choose to come. I hope to have a lot of my -W- team attend. I will be working on that soon here. I know I have at least 5-6 already without talking to brouhah and 9n9, MysT Flipper and Noto. Gutpile sadly might be to old:( <3 gut

WHO IS PLAYING TRIBES TODAY!?!!!?!?!?! Log up discord go to Tribes talk channel TW channel and Wolfpack channel. Need inivte? DM Me

<3 - sKILLz

Come on Tribers were are you.....
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Skillz and I have had our disagreements but he is a stand up guy. Takes care of his family and friends. I support you bro. Let me know what I can do.

I haven't played tribes in 10 years and I don't think I have a computer that I can play tribes on unless someone knows how to make it run on a mac. I mean, it's a good one, just a mac.

I'm still probably better that 99% of you.
I haven't played tribes in 10 years and I don't think I have a computer that I can play tribes on unless someone knows how to make it run on a mac. I mean, it's a good one, just a mac.

I'm still probably better that 99% of you.

You should be able to run Tribes using Wine, WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and macOS. "Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop."

Or if you're really aggressive you can use Bootcamp to directly install Windows onto your computer, How to Install Windows on a Mac With Boot Camp .
Skillz and I have had our disagreements but he is a stand up guy. Takes care of his family and friends. I support you bro. Let me know what I can do.


Also Skillz can I attend your lan and do drugs with you after 20 years haha

sKILLz is the shit and he's been the biggest help so far from the Tribes community in helping to spread the word and drum up interest.

Also both of you should hop on the Tribes Talk discord if you're legit interested, Tribes Talk Discord. sKILLz is on there and he can send you a link to the Wolfpack discord. I've been trying to get the old guys back. sKILLz is obviously with us but I've also talked to Snapple, MadeInCanada, XTasy, and some others who all expressed some level of interest. I'm trying to get everyone on discord and build some momentum.
YAYAY keep coming tell others, and once I see enough people showing up again will HOST SUNDAY NIGHT BASE PU GAMES 5PM West? 6pm WEST? 4pm WEST?

You guys tell me. We can do this I will lead one team. I know SNAPPLE of Tribes OG fame could lead the other. I know 100% KoV-Kermit could lead the other.

IE- Natural you want to play some base? Over 3000 views my gut tells me you are at least one of them? You loved this game before a lot others did and you are a legend in the Tribes Hall of Fame- do not want to lead? Come play on my team :) Come play on any team just come play!

POE- Bourbon? Where are you? you alive? Something tells me you have seen this post. You were one of the great leaders of this game. I could only wish you would or ANY old POE players.

=S3= Rasta? You alive? Any =S3= but Deathavoc around anymore?

IE/5150/S3 - You can all COMBINE a team if you want - the only 3 teams that can. For the presence of you guys as a team combined even would be huge for the LAN , Tribes and making others more serious about coming.

SES- Ya I am talking to you South Eastern Slayers!

I do not care if the team for the Reunion LAN were not TOP teams. I just want old teams with at least 7 of there players and they can add 7 random others. -W- will be adding randoms also if we can make this happen. Opsayo is one as you can see ;)

If you want to lead a team you were on but were not the leader and can get players back to? DM me in discord in Tribes Talk or the Wolpfack channel. Idle in my channel and I will see if we can get the interest up.

If old teams, players great or good or even solid, or even alive still with enough players you are welcome. We need at least 6 teams of at least 10 to 14 players max. That is it and I can make this happen. I would love 8?

If people want to make random teams of 14. Then this is the new rules. 10 of those players have to be old school. I mean played on the OGL ladder or TWL league in the early days. Reached the TOP 10 on the ladder at least. And then you can add 4 other random players of anyone. This maybe will help make it happen.

EUROS+ AUSSIES You guys can make 1 team combined and if you make the trip all the way to Vegas for it because you are part of making it happen- or not. Will do something special for you guys to show my appreciation for the extreme dedication to come over seas to Vegas and take part. Ever fuck a dime piece? ;) Point is, I get you are so far away, that's why I said use any from Europe+ Australia.

Lastly no LAN reunion 20 year in Vegas? -W-will have a reunion and -W- SuReFiRe and I will be renting a SICK house through air b&B. It will have a pool and hot tube and all kind of stuff. I mean a fucking sick mansion like house/property for the weekend, and I will throw a massive pool party for anyone who played Tribes and wants to come.

Far warning there will be FULL security and its Nevada so they will be armed.

All will be allowed to attend this if its all that can happen and not the LAN- will have to DM me in discord and tell me they want to come. Tell me who they are, what team they played for. I am not doing this for you and your buddy who never even played a single game. If you do bring someone who didn't play Tribes you have to bring 5 good looking girls to every 1 guy who wasn't a Tribers player. This is for Tribes players really to have a fun time, do the POD-CAST 20 year, and one last weekend of fun with the Tribes community or what is left of it at least :) well see I guess. Its not even the middle of August yet. Cut off date for LAN is OCT 20th. I have so much to plan and if there is not enough interested by then- I am not paying for it and the -W- reunion will take its place. We are not doing nothing!! O ya and Ill bring some entertainment to this party-what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

One last thing- all your phones will be taken and stored in a safe by security when you get there. I am not kidding. If you cannot apply to this , don't come. If you cannot understand why? They learn more about life. If I am going to pay for all of this ( booze free FYI) These things are not up for debate. No needs to have a cell phone on them at a pool party with hot girls all over anyways- least I won't.

I am doing my best to try and do something fun and special beyond the POD-CAST- Lyon has been kind enough to take on set up and organize. I will still do it no matter what. You do not want to miss this :) I got dirt, some more dirt and cement and all kinds of stuff no one knows and hasn't heard, and probably never would unless you tune in. Its a wide range of stuff. Open book- ask anything you want. I will tel you all my -W- strats, all why we did what, in -W- how we did it, anything.

Deahthavoc is also going to join us from =S3= fame and -W- :)

It should be a fun time! If you did not play in the matches you wished you did then tune in, If you were curious about stuff and want to know the answers- ask them. If you want to talk shit, bring it on. If you want to threaten me, lol I don't care,. If you want to tell me i ruined tribes bring it on we can debate that also. I warn you though I might type like a cant talk, I might have shitty grammar on TW because I do not care.

I warn you come ready and prepared if you plan to try and challenge/debate me on anything- i remember it all. I will be 100% honest and if you cant handle that? That is on you. If you do not believe me 20 years later, well then I feel kinda sad for you that still you cannot get over a video game almost decades old.

This is suppose to be fun, and to talk about, and relish the fact we all played the best game ever made and its a tribute to that-not about me. Its Lyons pod cast, I am just a guest. Respect that and him for doing this. If it wasn't for Lyon messaging me asking if i do it, I wouldn't be doing ANY this other stuff I said i would or the pod-cast.

Lyon deserves some credit for what he has started and is doing. I could name 50 other Tribes players that could do this that I know and are well way more known than him and they are not. That is why I am also helping him and trying to make this work.

One last thing before you have the itch to post trolling bullshit to me if you are, think about what what Lyon is trying to do for everyone who played Tribes by starting this and taking the energy and time to try and make it happen. Then think about what i am wiling to do further.

The -W- reunion party is happening 100% in Vegas. You want to come? Remember that when you post bullshit lies about me or my teammates or even this game. I am not doing this for the people who post like this,. I will give you all the time and place. You can show up sure- then a dime piece half naked girl will tell you to go away showing you what you are missing out on. All because you cant act mature 20 years later on a gaming forum. How can I expect any different in RL? I cannot. You will not get in but you will wish you did.

All the cell phones might be taken when you get there- but pictures will be taken and lots, just not by anyone of anyone doing anything, without anyone consent. This is basic practice at high end parties with important people, Then again I doubt most of you have been to such an event or party before.

Nothing like the first time! Be respectful and treat people will respect and the girls and I will invite you too others down the road possibly. Don't? You will find out why I have security really fast. Nothing about this is illegal. So do not come at me with that either., My lawyers are far fucking better than most. Again warning you.

Treat the girls and Tribes players with respect is all I ask if you choose to come. I hope to have a lot of my -W- team attend. I will be working on that soon here. I know I have at least 5-6 already without talking to brouhah and 9n9, MysT Flipper and Noto. Gutpile sadly might be to old:( <3 gut

WHO IS PLAYING TRIBES TODAY!?!!!?!?!?! Log up discord go to Tribes talk channel TW channel and Wolfpack channel. Need inivte? DM Me

<3 - sKILLz

Come on Tribers were are you.....

This sounds so cool!
BTW, I got with Mr. L and he asked me to host the podcast. He said that I know a lot more about Tribes history... WHOA! What an honor!

Can’t wait for a cool Tribes weekend!
Man, if there is a base side to this 20th that'd be awesome. I'd love to play with a bunch of the old =ACE=/KBD/Tsunami guys again. Some great memories from those 99-2001 days.

Also, getting some of the arena teams around again would be pretty amazing too.
Skillz and I have had our disagreements but he is a stand up guy. Takes care of his family and friends. I support you bro. Let me know what I can do.


<3 just show up

I need anything I know you there thanks

Wolfpack channel in Discord is were we are come join us!
I haven't played tribes in 10 years and I don't think I have a computer that I can play tribes on unless someone knows how to make it run on a mac. I mean, it's a good one, just a mac.

I'm still probably better that 99% of you.

OOO jislan :) thanks for posting!! It does not take much to run Tribes as you know I am sure it is so old! Where is Bourbon!!?! :(