Save America, Now.

Some good ideas, I think you're off on energy and sterilization though. Wind is excellent tech, and sterilization is a fools errand. Too expensive and never very reliable.

I agree with Sterilization. Instead of forcing it, you need to convince people it's the best thing to not have children.

You could say, tax the parents heavily for illegitimate children. Or cut welfare for parents who have children. When people have a financial responsibility for their actions they may rethink them. Of course this is america so the likely result is, parents will just not spend money on their kids and they will go without. Neglect, hunger, etc etc will rise.

When that is found to be the case you sterilize the parents by surgery. Vasectomy for men and tied tubes for women. reversal of either surgery leads the parents and the doctor straight to jail.

Also, max 2 kids per family is necessary. Population needs to grow a little slower.
tidal energy is interesting... the deep wave power is even more intriguing.

the thing about using the tides off the coast as a source of power that is scaled to provide power to major urban areas of some sort is that the ocean is difficult to control. Currents near the shore change frequently and constantly move sediment every day, e.g. you can see sediment pile up on one side of a jetty while the other side is being sucked clean and sometimes the other way around. This is similar to the problem of river dams (hoover, three gorges) and sedimentary dams.
goshin you have my vote so long as i get to pull the trigger on the offending lobbyists

I can promise a very high quality of work
Children are sterilized with a drug that needs to be created and tested around age 10. Doctor will administer during routine exam. If this does not work due to people circumventing or not going to doctor, we can figure something else out, maybe at birth. Anyway, once the child passes a test showing they comprehend basic parenting skills, life skills, and money management, they are given the 'cure' and can have kids. After 2, must apply for a permit for more children, barring financial consideration. This should limit or abolish abortions and that debate, and children ruining their lives because they didnt know better. Also welfare should decrease substantially, and might even be used for it's intended purpose!

I'm hoping this is a parody thread but people on this forum are so stupid I cant tell anymore.
tidal energy is interesting... the deep wave power is even more intriguing.

the thing about using the tides off the coast as a source of power that is scaled to provide power to major urban areas of some sort is that the ocean is difficult to control. Currents near the shore change frequently and constantly move sediment every day, e.g. you can see sediment pile up on one side of a jetty while the other side is being sucked clean and sometimes the other way around. This is similar to the problem of river dams (hoover, three gorges) and sedimentary dams.

the turbines are typically 1 mile or more out, in 100ft+ depth water. Again, i haven't heard of any problems with the two types of wave energy capture companies i listed and sand erosion.

tantric rex:
we have unlocked our genetic coding
I'm sure with some money, we could figure a pill that blocked the creation of sperm or ovulation in females, but allow the hormonal benefits to continue, then take another pill and unblock these receptors.

probably very possible.

religion isn't bad. It's only bad when people try to force their belief on everyone else. And no, this country was not founded on religious tolerance or religious safe havens or whatever. It was founded on money.
Why does everyone's idea of saving America begin with a number of dictatorial or unconstitutional moves. I guess dictatorships are OK if you are the dictator.
i live in texas, we harness the most wind out of the entire U.S.
wind energy is pointless since most areas that can harness the best wind are hundreds/thousands of miles from ubran centers.

Yeah but texas is only 750 miles at it's furthest borders. How can they be thousands of miles away?
i lost my fucking post

fuck you shiloh you stupid piece of shit

here's the last portion of whatever it was i had typed out

Tidal power is different from wave power. Tides are consistent, but waves are created with wind, and are therefore variable albeit less so than wind.

The point is that wind is currently economical and currently available. While ocean power can make a greater percentage of our total energy needs, wind and tidal are not currently economical + available and they will likely not be more economical than wind. I win, u lose.

P.S. OTEC is even better than wave. OTEC > Wave > Tidal.

P.P.S. Maglev turbines are glorious pieces of machinery and need to be built.
vanster, talking about other areas of the country like montana wind farms getting power to california or something.

Scott, those in power have abused the power and have become corrupt. Because america is lazy now, we must take radical action. I wouldn't be imposing on much of your 'freedoms' at all, unless you think it's your right to breed and have the state send you checks (it's not).
what a surprise one of the hardest liberals on the forum endorses blatant fascism as a solution to America's problems

The thread is whimsical, Teckman. We've all daydreamed about what we would do, were we the benevolent dictator. He wrote it down, and wants to know what we think.
Elementary and middle school days need to be 8 hours long and increase the school year by at least 30 days. Hour of PE at least every other day, more experiment type shit, reading newspapers (I did this back in 3rd grade in the middle of class all the time), and keep the arts and crafts shit down to 1 hour on a friday. High school should be more relaxed when it comes to rules and attendance but it needs to be a step up from where college is responsibility wise. People should be able to drop out the minute they step in high school because the world is gonna need minimum wage workers, less distractions to the kids who want to learn, and well the education will be sufficiently longer in the elementary/middle years that they should be where a 10th grader is today, although with better critical thinking skills as that's the key to being able to do anything. Oh, also studying. Most people are lucky to be only able to do one of those two though so that needs to be fixed.
nice edit to leave out the essential bits teckman

you go live in a bankrupt nation with a bunch of idiots living off your dime

I'll go fix the world
what a surprise one of the hardest liberals on the forum endorses blatant fascism as a solution to America's problems

Fascism usually entails war as a means to keep the nation together. He's advocating isolationism.
Do you consider Stalinism a form of fascism? Just curious, because when it comes to the extreme part of the political spectrum (stalinism, national socialism), they all behave almost identical yet claim to be completely ideologically inverses of each other.