
would you say living conditions in socialist china (not Hong Kong) are good? or Better than in a less socialist place like Hong Kong?

how about
North Korea vs South Korea

I mean seriously same people just two different forms of government. Socialist vs non-socialist government. Apples to Oranges in terms of living standard when comparing pretty much the exact same racial groups living under two forms of government.


you didn't even watch 5 seconds of the video you linked to... god you are a credit to the European education system :Hmm: moran

0:01 - 0:05 "this may come as a surprise, but in the history of the modern world there has never been a communist country"

and to further put a nail in your maggot brain because you definitely dont have the attention span to last to 2:53-2:56

2:53-2:56 "Every so called communist country is actually a socialist country"

3:13 "most schools of economics consider socialism to be a precursor to communism"
Anubis confuses social democracy for socialism and then goes further to not realize that all of the socialist/social democrat parties are losing ground in Europe right now
you didn't even watch 5 seconds of the video you linked to... god you are a credit to the European education system :Hmm: moran

and to further put a nail in your maggot brain because you definitely dont have the attention span to last to 2:53-2:56

"universal Healthcare and free education for everyone"
- Socialism

It does not mean Bernie Sanders will transform into a Kim or Mao or Maduro. It means he believes you deserve Healthcare without depending on billionaires. Wake up and come play tribes 1.
I just don't understand why someone would openly wish for Americans to vote for State-based genocide? Socialism is a death sentence for all of us. Even someone such as I, who has prepared for an SHTF scenario, would be affected by it. I only have so much - granted, it will keep me alive for 5 years but for every person I include, it cuts that time down by half.

Ever since all this Venezuela shit has been going on, I have been reading threads created by these Socialists/Marxists and they won't stop about how the people in Venezuela are better off dying through starvation rather than to be exploited by the evil capitalists.

These people are so bothered by having to work for a living that they are willing to kill off most of the population of the planet because an owner of a company can make a profit off an employees labor.
I just don't understand why someone would openly wish for Americans to vote for State-based genocide? Socialism is a death sentence for all of us. Even someone such as I, who has prepared for an SHTF scenario, would be affected by it. I only have so much - granted, it will keep me alive for 5 years but for every person I include, it cuts that time down by half.

Ever since all this Venezuela shit has been going on, I have been reading threads created by these Socialists/Marxists and they won't stop about how the people in Venezuela are better off dying through starvation rather than to be exploited by the evil capitalists.

These people are so bothered by having to work for a living that they are willing to kill off most of the population of the planet because an owner of a company can make a profit off an employees labor.

They live in a country where they are free of worry about such trivial things like starvation. To quote the philosopher Marisa Tomei:

"Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water... BAM! A fuckin bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a fuck what kind of pants the son of a bitch who shot you was wearing?"

Starving people don't give a shit what some far away overweight privileged upper class college educated white fucktard socialist says or thinks about how they should live their life.

Progressive socialists have no problems telling you how to live, as long as they aren't personally affected. They cry about GMO crops and think we should all go back to purely organic farming methods, regardless of the fact that 2 billion people would starve to death. They complain about the evils of globalization while browsing Grinder on their iphones. They bitch about climate change yet refuse to allow the greatest, most efficient and eco-friendly forms of power generation (Nuclear Power) to be built. They complain about the evil CEOs and their fat paychecks, while voting in politicians that somehow manage to become multimillionaires while in office and funded by those very same corporations they claim to hate.

They are all hypocrites. Every single one. They don't know poverty. They don't know suffering. They don't know what it's like to feel utter hopelessness and despair. The closest they have gotten is finding out that they ran out of soy at the local fair trade latte stand.
They also don't understand that the amount of wealth held by the richest Americans is dwarfed by the cost of a single year of what they're demanding. Probably because in their entire 8 year pursuit of a 4 year degree at a private university they neglected to take a single math class.
BREAKING: Three Top Aides For Bernie Sanders Walk Out From His Campaign

In breaking news, three top aides for Senator Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign have stopped working for his 2020 presidential campaign. According to NBC News, Tad Devine, Mark Longabaugh and Julian Mulvey, who all came from a consulting firm that worked with Sanders colleagues in a political consulting firm who all played leading roles in Sanders' 2016 campaign for the White House, are parting ways with the senator, citing creative differences.

Longabaugh told NBC News, "The entire firm has stepped away. We're leaving the campaign. We just didn't have a meeting of the minds."

Devine acted as Sanders' chief strategist in 2016; Longabaugh was primarily responsible for the delegate-hunting roadmap and dealt with the Democratic National Committee vis-à-vis debates, and Mulvey supervised the firm's ads for Sanders, including the effective ad that used Simon & Garfunkel song "America." NBC News added, “All together, the firm produced 275 television, radio and digital ads for that campaign and was involved in much of the campaign's top decision-making.”

The three men issued a joint statement saying, “We are leaving because we believe that Sen. Sanders deserves to have media consultants who share his creative vision for the campaign.”

Sanders’ new campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, stated, "The campaign appreciates all the good work DML has done and wishes them well.”

There were some possible red flags; Devine worked on the 2010 campaign of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych along with Paul Manafort, and the three men’s consulting firm made $5.3 million from the 2016 campaign, according to the Federal Election Commission.

Devine was a senior adviser for both Al Gore’s 2000 campaign and John Kerry’s 2004 campaign; he was the campaign manager for Sen. Lloyd Bentsen when Bentsen ran for vice-president along with presidential candidate Michael Dukakis in 1988. in 2007, Mulvey joined him to form Devine Mulvey; in 2013, Longabaugh joined the firm to form Devine Mulvey Longabaugh.

Sanders has been plagued by various things over the last couple of months; at the beginning of January, a group of his former staffers demanded a meeting with Sanders and his "top political advisers" to discuss rampant "sexual violence" they claimed occurred during the Sanders 2016 presidential campaign. Politico reported that staffers wanted to "discuss the issue of sexual violence and harassment on the 2016 campaign, for the purpose of planning to mitigate the issue in the upcoming presidential cycle."

One wek ago, Sanders blasted prospective presidential candidate Howard Schultz, snapping that he was “blackmailing” the Democratic Party, blasting, "There are a lot of people I know personally who work hard for a living and make 40 or 50,000 dollars a year who know a lot more about politics, than with all due respect does Mr. Schultz. But because we have a corrupt system, anybody who is a billionaire and can throw a lot of TV ads around on television suddenly becomes very, very credible. So, Mr. Schultz, what is he blackmailing the Democratic Party? If you don't nominate Bernie Sanders, he's not going to run? Well, I don't think we should succumb to that kind of blackmail.”

One problem: Sanders has run as an independent candidate for almost four decades. As The Daily Wire pointed out:

He began his foray into elected politics by running as a member of the Liberty Union Party. He ran as a third-party candidate for U.S. senate and the Vermont governorship in 1972. He ran again as a Liberty Union candidate for the U.S. senate in 1974, and again for governor in 1976, according to Roll Call. Sanders ran against the incumbent Democrat mayor of Burlington, VT, and won, serving as mayor for eight years. In 1986, he ran as an Independent candidate for Vermont governor. In 1988, he ran as an Independent for the U.S. House of Representatives. He won in 1990 and served in the House until 2007. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006.

And only yesterday, former staffer for the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential run ripped Sanders for demanding a private jet when he campaigned for her.

His chief strategist worked on Gore, Kerry, and Dukakis' campaign? That's a hell of a resume. I wonder if he tried to get a corporate tie-in with Pepsi and Zune.
They also don't understand that the amount of wealth held by the richest Americans is dwarfed by the cost of a single year of what they're demanding. Probably because in their entire 8 year pursuit of a 4 year degree at a private university they neglected to take a single math class.

This. You can only fleece the people once, then the money is gone and those people have no desire to work.

The liberals don't understand where the money comes from. Government does not create income, they only take it with taxes and fees.

Bernie is so far left saying he wants free college and free health care. It's impossible. Obamacare failed, high rates, high deductibles, no coverage. All you have to do is look at health care in the UK.
would you say living conditions in socialist china (not Hong Kong) are good? or Better than in a less socialist place like Hong Kong?

how about
North Korea vs South Korea

I mean seriously same people just two different forms of government. Socialist vs non-socialist government. Apples to Oranges in terms of living standard when comparing pretty much the exact same racial groups living under two forms of government.

i dont think people understand that china now is almost a completely flip of what it used to be. despite whatever the govt leaders call themselves, the economic system is more capitalist than in the US.

the same goes for people who point at places as austria and say "look its socialism working!"

China's The Most Viciously Free Market Economy On The Planet Right Now