So much hating around here ..... What is needed

Mr. Jimmy Pop,
It's not about seeking acceptance. K?
See in some ways I'm kinda naive,"dweasel = dickweasel.
I was not aware of the connotation.
I went with The Weasel = D Weasel. Thus Dweasel ..... Why?

While in the side chambers at Child Support office.
My lillest daughter asked worriedly, "Daddy are they gonna lock you up?"

Me. > No baby, I WEASELED out of it.
started clapping and jumping up and down for joy yelling.
"He 'Weaseled' out of it. He weaseled out of it."

I told her be quiet or they WILL lock me up for back C.S.

AND THAT ..... Is where the D weasel came from.
She was 6 years old at the time you mentioned. She didn't know she wasn't supposed to be happy you weaseled out on paying her child support.

Now fast forward to present day. Little sister has her Masters in Criminal Justice and is an investigator for the state she lives in. She helps lock up scumbags like you for a living. She has ran ops with the DEA and various other Federal Agencies. Putting her name here was a mistake.

EDIT: Best thing you can do is edit her name out of your post because when she googles her name and you show up talking about her do you really think she will be happy about it? Dumbass. Just forget about us kids. We want nothing to do with you because all 3 of us are better than you. Disgusting pos pedophile.
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I wasn’t asking why you chose dweasel. I was asking why you come to TW still. If you like TW then why not create a whole new persona and start over so we don’t know who you are. I think you come here to inflict more pain on your child you failed in life with. I think that you are in a sense still molesting him in the only way you can now.

Ever think about your motives here?
He's 70 years old. In poor health and very close to death. Has destroyed his family, suffering internally from the guilt. Yet to this day refuses to accept responsibility for his actions and resulting effects.

Fortunately Mother took good care of us kids and remarried to a Navy man who was a good Father to us 3 kids and a good Husband to Mother. Mother and Father were married 20+ years till he died of cancer. Dweasel didnt teach me to shave. Father did. Dweasel didn't teach me to drive. Father did. Dweasel didnt teach me right from wrong. Father did. Dweasel didnt put foot to ass when I needed it. Father did. So on and so forth.

Despite all the hell Dwesel inflicted upon us kids and Mother all of us are doing just fine. We all own our homes, and we all help humanity. Mother makes bank being a private home healthcare provider. Baby sister is an investigator as previously mentioned. Other sister is a nurse, and I work in an unofficial capacity with local, and state law enforcement busting up the pedo and meth rings in the state.

Dweasel is in a hell of his own doing. When he dies none of us will be there by the bedside. None of us will mourn him. He will be forgotten instead of being immortal by being spoken of with respect long after his passing. The only way to reclaim his honor is to commit Seppuku.

If he publicly apologizes and honestly admits to what he has done then I will be the better man and speak with him. I am his Son so it would be my duty in such a situation.
However he is too much of a pussy for that so I will not hold my breath.
He's 70 years old. In poor health and very close to death. Has destroyed his family, suffering internally from the guilt. Yet to this day refuses to accept responsibility for his actions and resulting effects.

Fortunately Mother took good care of us kids and remarried to a Navy man who was a good Father to us 3 kids and a good Husband to Mother. Mother and Father were married 20+ years till he died of cancer. Dweasel didnt teach me to shave. Father did. Dweasel didn't teach me to drive. Father did. Dweasel didnt teach me right from wrong. Father did. Dweasel didnt put foot to ass when I needed it. Father did. So on and so forth.

Despite all the hell Dwesel inflicted upon us kids and Mother all of us are doing just fine. We all own our homes, and we all help humanity. Mother makes bank being a private home healthcare provider. Baby sister is an investigator as previously mentioned. Other sister is a nurse, and I work in an unofficial capacity with local, and state law enforcement busting up the pedo and meth rings in the state.

Dweasel is in a hell of his own doing. When he dies none of us will be there by the bedside. None of us will mourn him. He will be forgotten instead of being immortal by being spoken of with respect long after his passing. The only way to reclaim his honor is to commit Seppuku.

If he publicly apologizes and honestly admits to what he has done then I will be the better man and speak with him. I am his Son so it would be my duty in such a situation.
However he is too much of a pussy for that so I will not hold my breath.

You should probably go to the funeral for closure. It will be good for your soul. My wifes dad moved out of state to avoid child support when she was 3 and said she would never go to his funeral. The dirtbag would come back to visit her brother and never even tell her. Or it would be an afterthought. the last time he saw the kids was when they were young, and he never even met the youngest. I met him 2 years ago when he came back for a college graduation - her brothers kid. We found out the day before and went mostly for the niece.

When he did die my wifes first reaction was 'I need to go' Then she started second guessing and her anger came back. I made sure she went. People can be the shittiest to their own family, but it was a good trip. She reconnected with siblings in Wyoming, and actually felt like a part of the family. Funerals aren't about the dead, they are for the living.
Serious Question: Why do you come here as dweasel? No one is ever going to accept a confirmed child molester. I think this is your way to try and inflict more pain on your child. In a sense you are still molesting him. Haven’t you done enough?

Yes! And - the asshat is banned too. Score one for the righteous.