no nonsense guide to becoming a better killer


<b><font color="lightsteelblue">Veteran</font><fon
ever wonder what kind of setup the "good" players are using and how they kill so well? well wonder no more:

1) disable mouse acceleration, mouse smoothing, and vsync
2) set your in-game mouse sensitivity very low. ballpark range 360 degrees of rotation per 12" on your mousepad. i'm somewhere around 450 degrees for 16" of movement. put another way, in game i drag the sensitivity slider all the way to the left and then click the (+) button twice.
3) make sure you have netset, hit sounds, and chain sparks. most configs on will already have these.
4) crank your predictforwardtime very high, higher than seems reasonable. ballpark range 2x-3x your ping. (the higher your ping, the lower your multiple should be. at very high pings even the default network settings are fine). for a single reference point, i ping 44 and have 96 pft. gone are the days where we aim for ourselves. let tribes aim for you.
5) put in 500-1000 hours chasing in pubs. don't overthink it, just play for stats. if you can consistently put up 2500 rating / 25 ck's a map, you're getting there.

bonus script! this allows you to set interpolate and pft per weapon. crank up the pft for the chaingun even higher than your other weapons and you're halfway there to becoming a good killer. place this in tribes/config/modules.

// bottom prints pft changes
$autonet::bottomprint = false;

Event::Attach(eventConnected, autonet::init);
Event::Attach(eventNextWeapon, autonet::update);
Event::Attach(eventPrevWeapon, autonet::update);
Event::Attach(eventUsedItem, autonet::update);
Event::Attach(eventItemReceived, autonet::update);

function autonet::init()
  // set defaults
  for (%i = 0; %i < 64; %i++) // how many item types are there anyway?
    $autonet::terp[%i] = 64;
    $autonet::pft[%i] = 96;
    $autonet::pftMethod[%i] = 1;

  // weapons: chaingun, disc launcher, grenade launcher, laser rifle, mortar, plasma gun, blaster
  $autonet::terp[GetItemType("chaingun")] = 64;
  $autonet::terp[GetItemType("disc launcher")] = 64;
  $autonet::terp[GetItemType("grenade launcher")] = 64;
  $autonet::pft[GetItemType("chaingun")] = 96;
  $autonet::pft[GetItemType("disc launcher")] = 96;
  $autonet::pft[GetItemType("grenade launcher")] = 96;
  $autonet::pftMethod[GetItemType("chaingun")] = 1;
  $autonet::pftMethod[GetItemType("disc launcher")] = 1;
  $autonet::pftMethod[GetItemType("grenade launcher")] = 1;

function autonet::update()
  if ($netset::enabled)
      %weapon = GetMountedItem(0);
      $net::interpolatetime = $autonet::terp[%weapon];
      $net::predictforwardtimemethod = $autonet::pftMethod[%weapon];
      $net::predictforwardtime = $autonet::pft[%weapon];

      if ($autonet::bottomprint)
        remoteBP(2048, "<JC>Terp: <F2>" ~ $net::interpolatetime ~ " <F1>PFT: <F2>" ~ $net::predictforwardtime, 1);

now you have all the tools to be a good killer, so you have nothing to blame but yourself
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ballpark range 2x-3x your ping

majority low pingers probably but take it from me you don't want to do that with higher ping, if you have inconsistent ping the default 1.4 algorithm seems fine although I don't know how it is for lower pings, maybe the algo could use some tweaking? rtcll probably has the best net settings anyone could have with his ping, if we find a good standard number or estimate someone could make a better algo so n00bs or vetern00bs wont be running around with the wrong net settings
pls that's easy to do disk only in pubs these days. You wanna train you must first climb Mount Spincycle to seek a meeting from The Great Bloodeagle and ask for his/her(no gender assumptions here bros) blessing. Following that you must train for no less than 10,000 hours in pure isolation practicing exclusively ski cg'ing to pixel perfection. At which point you will be ready to travel to Thailand to participate in your first underground tribal Kumate tournament(pm me for directions).
majority low pingers probably but take it from me you don't want to do that with higher ping, if you have inconsistent ping the default 1.4 algorithm seems fine although I don't know how it is for lower pings, maybe the algo could use some tweaking? rtcll probably has the best net settings anyone could have with his ping, if we find a good standard number or estimate someone could make a better algo so n00bs or vetern00bs wont be running around with the wrong net settings

yeah for sure that simple formula breaks down as your ping gets higher. i made a small edit just in case. you're definitely right the default algo isn't that fair across the board. a fair algo for all would be much better than the overtweaked netset abuse that we have now, but for now this is the biggest thing everyone should be taking advantage of.

I think you need advancedfire for autonet to work

Also never leave vsync on

does plasmatic's trorbs come with it? if not, i'll post it later. sounds like you're right about vsync, thanks for the correction !
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never tell urself ur good
never believe you have reached ur peak
always question urself
play like every game is ur last
I think you need advancedfire for autonet to work

i don't think so. looking at advanced fire, it adds events which autonet isn't using:

// File:	AdvancedFire.acs.cs
// Version:	1.0
// Author:	Zlex w/ credit to Poop
// Credits:	This is basically just a modification of 
//		Poops Advanced Fire Script
// Info:	Provides event on fire needed for chainzoom
//		and SmartAmmo
function AF::GameBinds::Init()
  after GameBinds::Init
	$GameBinds::CurrentMapHandle = GameBinds::GetActionMap2( "playMap.sae");
	$GameBinds::CurrentMap = "playMap.sae";
	GameBinds::addBindCommand( "Advanced Fire", "AF::On();", "AF::Off();");

function AF::On() {
	%wep = GetMountedItem(0);
	if(%wep == -1) { 
		$AF::NoWeapon = "TRUE";
	else if(%wep != -1 && $AF::NoWeapon == "TRUE") {
		$AF::NoWeapon = "";
		Event::Trigger(EventNewWeapon, %wep);
	postAction(2048, IDACTION_FIRE1, 1);
	$AF::Firing = "TRUE";
	Event::Trigger(EventYouFired, %wep);

function AF::Off() {
	%wep = GetMountedItem(0);
	postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 1);
	$AF::Firing = "";
	Event::Trigger(EventYouReleased, %wep);
bonus script! this allows you to set interpolate and pft per weapon. crank up the pft for the chaingun even higher than your other weapons and you're halfway there to becoming a good killer. place this in tribes/config/modules.

// bottom prints pft changes
$autonet::bottomprint = false;

Event::Attach(eventConnected, autonet::init);
Event::Attach(eventNextWeapon, autonet::update);
Event::Attach(eventPrevWeapon, autonet::update);
Event::Attach(eventUsedItem, autonet::update);
Event::Attach(eventItemReceived, autonet::update);

function autonet::init()
  // set defaults
  for (%i = 0; %i < 64; %i++) // how many item types are there anyway?
    $autonet::terp[%i] = 64;
    $autonet::pft[%i] = 96;
    $autonet::pftMethod[%i] = 1;

  // weapons: chaingun, disc launcher, grenade launcher, laser rifle, mortar, plasma gun, blaster
  $autonet::terp[GetItemType("chaingun")] = 64;
  $autonet::terp[GetItemType("disc launcher")] = 64;
  $autonet::terp[GetItemType("grenade launcher")] = 64;
  $autonet::pft[GetItemType("chaingun")] = 96;
  $autonet::pft[GetItemType("disc launcher")] = 96;
  $autonet::pft[GetItemType("grenade launcher")] = 96;
  $autonet::pftMethod[GetItemType("chaingun")] = 1;
  $autonet::pftMethod[GetItemType("disc launcher")] = 1;
  $autonet::pftMethod[GetItemType("grenade launcher")] = 1;

function autonet::update()
  if ($netset::enabled)
      %weapon = GetMountedItem(0);
      $net::interpolatetime = $autonet::terp[%weapon];
      $net::predictforwardtimemethod = $autonet::pftMethod[%weapon];
      $net::predictforwardtime = $autonet::pft[%weapon];

      if ($autonet::bottomprint)
        remoteBP(2048, "<JC>Terp: <F2>" ~ $net::interpolatetime ~ " <F1>PFT: <F2>" ~ $net::predictforwardtime, 1);

now you have all the tools to be a good killer, so you have nothing to blame but yourself

u muther fuker is this a fukin sript 2 adjust according 2 weapon FUK u ppl how about we just distribute L spiros autoaim for everyone then it can be about who can dodge the best
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imo changing ur prediction based on what weapon u have equipped makes zero sense but what do i know im not an elite killa probably cause i dont use the right scripts i guess
just give everyone the toggle autoaim or the accuracy increase hack or make your opponent miss script etc and you too can manipulate the gameplay to whatever u want
u muther fuker is this a fukin sript 2 adjust according 2 weapon FUK u ppl how about we just distribute L spiros autoaim for everyone then it can be about who can dodge the best

i'm one of the few pushing to get rid of netset don't try to pin opinions on me thank you

but if we're not going to get rid of netset above all else the playing field should be fair
and wow now u r against netset, y??? u and couple of others were the biggest proponents of netset