I am an atheist

But even I have to call a shit sandwich a shit sandwich when I see one

Why you feel the need to be a professional apologist (- the paid part) for Islam in here should disturb you far more than it does me.

Just saying
WTF does a bunch of rednecks in Oregon have to do with Islam?

Do people realize how dumb they sound when they spew this joe-sixpack rhetoric?
Why you feel the need to be a professional apologist (- the paid part) for Islam in here should disturb you far more than it does me.
Nobody is apologizing for terrorists. I'm saying if we're going to paint everyone with the same brush let's not stop at Muslims.

Should I be wary of my Southern Baptist neighbors because a Colorado "Christian" shot people at a Planned Parenthood clinic?
Same goes for government goon apologists like vanster and cogz too

I mean we know how this worked out for vansters ancestors...and cogz has the audacity to cry about raider stadium money misalocation in Oakland but sees no further cronyism here.

"It is how the states got their shape"

Fuk u people dumb. Dumb and dishonest. Not just with your posts but with yourself
until you provide statistics that christians are responsible for more "religion sanctioned" violence than muslims then you're clearly just trollin

bringing up the inquisition or crusades isn't going to help you ne here fyi
Hey guys....don't be mad that dirka dirka raped your women and blew up the capital

Christians had their own inquisition not that many years ago.

I am not an apologist ...just pointing out history


P.s. you want to ban all guns because a few get misused every year. So your last post is still not honest enough for me to take seriously yet
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Nobody is apologizing for terrorists. I'm saying if we're going to paint everyone with the same brush let's not stop at Muslims.

Should I be wary of my Southern Baptist neighbors because a Colorado "Christian" shot people at a Planned Parenthood clinic?

weird cucks like u don't really get it. being ok with being inconvenienced and threatened is not being tolerant. it's being a bitch (ur a fucking bitch)
P.s. you want to ban all guns because a few get misused every year. So your last post is still not honest enough for me to take seriously yet
Register new sales and report any transfers = "ban all guns"

Another one to add to the neocon dictionary of double speak. Thanks, Tele. I had no idea what I actually say means something entirely different in your mind.
weird cucks like u don't really get it. being ok with being inconvenienced and threatened is not being tolerant. it's being a bitch (ur a fucking bitch)
I feel neither inconvenienced, nor threatened. Is that where your anger comes from? Do you buy your FUD wholesale or do your masters charge retail?
Register new sales and report any transfers = "ban all guns"

You're being sarcastic, but that's EXACTLY what it has meant in countries where registrations were successfully implemented. The NRA and gun owners fight it relentlessly because they see where that road leads...
I just want to live in a world where people like LouCy were nearly as forgiving and tolerant about non-religious fundies being allowed to own and operate guns as he is about murderous (Islamic only) fundies being treated as people.

But that would be too much to ask for
I just want to live in a world where people like LouCy were nearly as forgiving and tolerant about non-religious fundies being allowed to own and operate guns as he is about murderous fundies being treated as people.

But that would be too much to ask for
I'm sure you'd be happier if people like me, who don't believe the things you do, were wiped off the face of the planet.

In that regard, you're really no different than a scarf-wearing sand nigger in Syria.
Honestly we should be more concerned with bankers than Christians, Muslims, any other religion anyway. Gotta get to the problem at its source- if the Middle East wasn't destabilized for so long (which we have to admit we played a part in...) there wouldn't be terrorists in the first place.

And really, I think more than being an apoligist, what "SWJs" want to do is remind others terrorists are still people first. And that we should be a bit more understanding or practice a bit more humility. Just because Christianity more or less isn't violent NOW, doesn't mean it hasn't been. And sure, that was hundreds of years in the past, but you'd think that having a violent age in Christianity's past would make people a bit more understanding. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible, what Islamic radicals do. But instead of fighting them, we should be fighting the root cause of the problem.

The biggest criminals in our day and age carry a suitcase, and wear a suit and tie. They could give a fuck about what happens in America, or the Middle East, or France, or Russia, of anywhere really- they are "kings of the world". They are purely hedonist, greedy, and -this is an important fact- they WANT us to fight amongst ourselves. We want to divide us as much as possible, to ensure they keep a firm grasp on the power in the world.

GG thread derailment btw
Funny because it is true

And the biggest difference between me and the scarf wearers in Syria is I haven't hurt or killed anyone and because of that you aren't grovelling all over my nuts like some kind of sick saddist apologist

And apparently i am not alone in understanding your true desire

The bed you insufferable cucks have made for our nations has been established. As such, I hope nobody with weapons will ever lift one finger to protect you.

European Gun Sales Soar On Refugee Fears As "Racist Vikings" Prowl Finland's Streets
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cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks
Register new sales and report any transfers = "ban all guns"

don't forget that they want to remove guns from all households that house anyone that ever took any type of mental medication like xanax, klonopin, aderall, ritalin etc.

so basically, 20 households in america can have guns.
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cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks

The last sounds of LouCy with his ballgag seated deep inside his hillbilly sisters closet