[T3] My camera theory


Veteran XV
This is probaly wrong but what the hell :). Remember how in T1 there were all those different computer screen things on the walls that looked like they came out of Star Trek? I think those are about to become interactive. You'll be able to walk up to them and cycle through all of the deployed cameras for what will be shown on the screen on the wall. So if you are in the flag room on Scarabrae and there is one of those on the wall opposite you and the flag you can deploy a camera in one of the two entrances so you can see people coming.
I think he means like having a camera room. You know, like where they have a bunch of TVs on the wall and you can see everything that goes on in the base.
A deployable TV screen with a ch switch might work. This way, you can set a camera outside the flag room and a tv inside and then you can prepare yourself when the capper comes in. Good idea
I like the idea. Kinda like in Duke Nukem, with the security rooms where you could monitor the cameras (and detonate the pipe bombs when your buddy ran through the room).
That reminds me when T2 first came out. I'd lay a camera in a room with a satchel. Oh, the fun of just waiting for that pack of heavies wandering down the dark halls of Recalescence. I should try that stuff again :(
I don't know if the Unreal 2 engine can do this, but make the cameras interact with tv monitors that work in real time. As in, they are on the wall, and if you glance at the monitors they show what is presently going on *ie, you dont hafta press the use button to see, the action is going on the screen all the time*. Kinda like what was going on in the Half Life 2 tech demo.......

Well, that would be cool if the engine can handle it, I know the Source engine can.
[57th]cneal said:
A deployable TV screen with a ch switch might work. This way, you can set a camera outside the flag room and a tv inside and then you can prepare yourself when the capper comes in. Good idea
Not talking about a deployable, but things that were built into the map in T1.

See compterm1 there? I mean that instead of those displaying a static picture like that they would have video feed from a camera. Like Duke Nukem 3D as it was mentioned before. We could also go as far as to make it a static piece of base equipment like a turret or generator. The computer terminals in T1 had damage models where if you shot them they would get all broken looking and you could actually repair them even though there was no point.
ut2k3 is fully capable of having placed camera points acting as textures....but as far as i know only laid in the map editor....unsure if the player actor could actually lay down camera points in game to use as those or not