[SO] The government is shut down...

IRS isnt needed if we simplified the tax code
graduated tax i'd guess, with heavier slides on luxury items and less on essential items
Dutch we understand you are angry and dumb..just stay in the corner while adults talk unless you have something intelligent to say for once.

And yes Goshin unified tax code would eliminate the need for IRS agents
If this seems reasonable...

U.S. news reports are largely blaming the government shutdown on the inability of both political parties to come to terms. It is supposedly the result of a "bitterly divided" Congress that "failed to reach agreement" (Washington Post) or "a bitter budget standoff" left unresolved by "rapid-fire back and forth legislative maneuvers" (New York Times). This sort of false equivalence is not just a failure of journalism. It is also a failure of democracy.

When the political leadership of this country is incapable of even keeping the government open, a political course correction is in order. But how can democracy self-correct if the public does not understand where the problem lies? And where will the pressure for change come from if journalists do not hold the responsible parties accountable?

The truth of what happened Monday night, as almost all political reporters know full well, is that "Republicans staged a series of last-ditch efforts to use a once-routine budget procedure to force Democrats to abandon their efforts to extend U.S. health insurance." (Thank you, Guardian.)

And holding the entire government hostage while demanding the de facto repeal of a president's signature legislation and not even bothering to negotiate is by any reasonable standard an extreme political act. It is an attempt to make an end run around the normal legislative process. There is no historical precedent for it. The last shutdowns, in 1995 and 1996, were not the product of unilateral demands to scrap existing law; they took place during a period of give-and-take budget negotiations.

Congressman Jim Himes (D-Conn.), said 28,000 visitors visited their exchange Tuesday, and out of that 167 actually signed up.
actually I am more liberal than conservative (in the ture sense of the words) and I totally disagree with Detox, we do need programs that help those who find themselves in an occasional bad spot but we have way too many that find themselves in that bad spot for such an extended amount of time it's become absurd and completely out of control.

what we don't need is government intrusion and we need to pick it up and take on responsibility for our lives and those of our neighbors.

the problem with america atm is we have as a people gone so far down the rabbit-hole of entitlement that we have allowed the government to step in and take care of our problems.

we under-work, overdose, over eat, have a horrendous diet, pop a pill to solve our problems, live beyond our means, and expect others to bail us out when we fail.

but the biggest problem of all is we have allowed big business to control our government. Capitalism in moderation is a good thing, it's healthy, we have however let it begin to control our lives. Capitalism married with government is an abomination.

I find it horrendous that the government is now telling me that I must pay into a system of big business that has been corrupt, left the insured hanging and refused to pay for some health care procedures, refused to insure those that would jeopardize it's profit margins, and helped along with pharmaceutical companies as well as some health care facilities to raise the cost of healthcare beyond the standard for any country in the world, all for the sake of profit margins.

I find it horrendous that the fda while in the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies is allowed control on what drugs can and can't be on the market and continues to push through drugs that are harmful and support drug companies profits.

...and if I don't I am a law breaker. Yet big business and the congress and the Pres are exempt from this for another year. Ask yourself why the president has made big business and himself along with congress exempt from this in 2014 yet the worker-bees are not.

Do I need to repeat that? You get it yet, has it sunk in? 'they' are exempt.

as a liberal (dictionary definition: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values) I not only support the republican stand-off I would be for all out reform of the current system, a complete overhaul that has the citizens best interest at heart and not that of big business; to move towards a government that is less hands on in the daily lives of people and let us get on with living our lives and not forcing us to into being serfs to the laws contrived by big business.


^^^seriously......how is any of this wrong?
So do all of the people that thought the DJIA's gain yesterday was a sign of this strategy not hurting the economy now think that the DJIA's fall today is a sign that it is hurting the economy?

Or do those dumb people that think the DJIA is a good measure of government policies on the economy have more bizarre ideas that rationalize why it works one way but not the other?

Not to feed the troll but the jobs report showing half as many jobs created than were lost might have assisted in todays outcome as much as any government shutdown.

using the DJIA as an indicator of anything is idiotic though.......with QE dumping over 85 billion dollars into it a month via proxy......it should go up regardless of how terrible anything else is. It's all but self funded by the fed at this point.
^^^seriously......how is any of this wrong?

i agree with the premise of some of her posts, but she used a bunch of buzz words with very little factual evidence to back up her claims

the only one i'll counter directly is her statement on entitlements in the US: there are several social democratic countries that do just fine with big welfare states & high tax rates (see also: Norway (oil), Sweden(no oil)). Nordic countries are smaller and have different demographics, but to argue that 'entitlements' are whats wrong with this country is misplaced (note the US is like in the bottom ranking of modern industrial states)

Welfare state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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i agree with the premise of some of her posts, but she used a bunch of buzz words with very little factual evidence to back up her claims

So if you hear a word you don't like it causes you to freeze up and stop thinking about what another person says? That seems like more of a personal issue to me and not so much a problem with Putrid's actual post.

I'm sure further elaboration is possible if you ask for it.

the only one i'll counter directly is her statement on entitlements in the US: there are several social democratic countries that do just fine with big welfare states & high tax rates (see also: Norway (oil), Sweden(no oil)). Nordic countries are smaller and have different demographics, but to argue that 'entitlements' are whats wrong with this country is misplaced (note the US is like in the bottom ranking of modern industrial states)

Yeah......and much like with Canada it is easier to balance budgets with far less people and far more land and natural resources. Look at how well the entitlement state has done for the rest of Europe right now.

i agree with the premise of some of her posts, but she used a bunch of buzz words with very little factual evidence to back up her claims

the only one i'll counter directly is her statement on entitlements in the US: there are several social democratic countries that do just fine with big welfare states & high tax rates (see also: Norway (oil), Sweden(no oil)). Nordic countries are smaller and have different demographics, but to argue that 'entitlements' are whats wrong with this country is misplaced (note the US is like in the bottom ranking of modern industrial states)

Welfare state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


comparing a representative republic that people have wishfully called a democratic government with social democratic countries is apples and oranges.

we are supposed to be, what the founding fathers set up, a representative republic, where we choose the people from our states to represent our states consensus in washington.

we have come so far from that and pulled the blinders so tight that many believe we are some kind of democratic country, we are not and it was never intended...

"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself."
John Adams

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin

that we have elected inept representatives is on us and a whole different post.

"Every step we take towards making the State our Caretaker of our lives, by that much we move toward making the State our Master."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
Patrick Henry

It isn't wrong. But it is a little short on suggesting things that can realistically be accomplished.

What we can realistically accomplish is to continue spending far beyond our means, without any care in the world, until we can no longer afford to spend (because we will be proven irresponsible and nobody else will lend us cheap money) at which point we can enjoy the fun of what dozens of other countries throughout the world are going through right now.


A fun list of countries when you think about the actual austerity and civil unrest they are undergoing and will continue to experience.

But some people have to learn the hard way it seems.....oh well
comparing a representative republic that people have wishfully called a democratic government with social democratic countries is apples and oranges.

we are supposed to be, what the founding fathers set up, a representative republic, where we choose the people from our states to represent our states consensus in washington.

Even our own POTUS doesn't grasp the difference anymore.


"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have."