the freedom tower is only at 5 stories right now

I still say they should have rebuilt the twin towers. It would have said a lot more than just naming a bullshit building freedom.
this whole freedom tower business is a tremendous disappointment

who picked this design?

why couldn't they have built a giant ronald mcdonald statue instead?
The Empire State Building was designed, constructed and opened within a year and a half.

The freedom tower is the fail tower from nearly every perspective.
everyone outside the NYC metro area should stay the fuck out of our business.
I hate hearing how people in kansas were SO affected by 9/11
like they even know what new york is.
well we kinda didn't have a choice, it being on every news channel and shit changing post 9-11 n shit. Now I got to wait in line at TSA checkpoints...ya dig?
hopefully my grandkids will see this glorious symbol of america collapse as it will surely be taken down by a somoan on a unicycle

The Bush Tower of Freedom, Independence, and Undying Resolve brought to you by the Mavericks of America (tm)