Buying some P.A. gear and an electronic drum set


Veteran XV
In August, I will have around $3000 to spend on audio gear. I am wanting to buy an electronic drum set as well as some P.A. gear. I am wanting to use the P.A. for vocals, electronic drums, keys, and MIDI during practices and it would also be nice to have a good setup that I can take to a party or something to do smaller performances.

This is the drum set I am looking at.

Roland TD-9S V-Tour

I was originaly thinking of buying an entire P.A. package, but I think I might just use my small mixer and hook some good speakers up to it. That's possible, right?

This is the mixer I have.

Mackie 1202-VLZ3

And these are the speakers I am thinking about buying.



Just thought I'd come in here again and say the music you are making is garbage. Don't spend money on gear, none of it will make you a better musician or artist.
Just thought I'd come in here again and say the music you are making is garbage. Don't spend money on gear, none of it will make you a better musician or artist.

Aww... assfrags. At least someone on here cares enough about me to post in every single thread I make. Thanks!
No problem. I just want you to be fully aware that any efforts you make in your current state will result in terrible and ingenuine music. Grow up, shake off the teenage angst.
Dude, is this just for your home, or do you plan on running a huge band through those speakers? If you are going to get those huge ass JBL's you better upgrade to A LOT stronger of a mixer board.

IMO you are wasting money on buying those speakers & can get much cheaper that will be great quality.
I don't know a whole lot about eating healthy and exercising, so bare with me.

First of all, what I want. Right now I am at 6'2" and around 235lb. It is mostly due to eating unhealthy and sitting around at my computer all day working on music and such.

I am the lead singer of a band and we are putting together our first album. I have been performing for around 2 years now, but I want to change some things. I want to start performing without a shirt on, or maybe with a muscle shirt... and I can't do that right for obvious reasons. I also feel overwhelmed many times during a performance due to moving around a lot and being out of shape. So I am wanting to look better, and be able to perform physically better as well.

I am going to start school in Aug where I will be going for a few hours on Mon and Wed, and then working from 11am-5pm on Tue, Thur, and Fri. As soon as we move into a house in a few months, I will also be setting up a 1-2 day a week practice schedule for the band. I am also married with 2 kids. So I need to somehow figure out when I can exercise and what would be the best way to do it.

For the past week, I have been drinking lots of water all day and eating a salad for lunch at my work. For dinner, I usually eat some kind of meat (ground beef, fish, or chicken) as well as fruits and vegetables. Sometimes we don't eat very healthy for dinner, but most of the time I try to stray from fried stuff. I don't drink caffeine at all anymore and I rarely drink beer. I don't some cigarettes. I do smoke pot from time to time, but not on regular occasion. I think I am eating fairly healthy things, but I have a feeling I'm doing it wrong.

One of the classes I am taking at school is called Lifetime Fitness. You have to put so many hours a week into it. You go there and you go through a circuit which consists of different machines and different types of exercises. I think that this will help a lot and it would be great if I could go at the same time every day, but the school is fairly far from here. I will do it if I have to.

Can any of you help me figure out how/what I should be eating and when/how I should be exercising? I don't think we will start doing shows again until January of next year, so I have a lot of time to work on this. If there is any other info you need, please ask.

- 6'2" and 235lb
- work/school/band/kids taking up time
- taking a fitness type class at school
- eating ok, but could probably do better
- Want to look better on stage and be able to perform better by Jan '09
You can get the v-Drum 6V or 12V with all mesh drum triggers on craigslist or from listings from churches for around $500-$600... Churches upgrade all the time and get better drums so electronic drums are always for sale in personal listings.

I am confused why that set costs so much more its not mesh even... is the brain so much better than the 6V? Most V-Drummers export their drums out to Drums from Hell or BFD anyways so the module is then obsolete except for sending midi notes.
Dude, is this just for your home, or do you plan on running a huge band through those speakers? If you are going to get those huge ass JBL's you better upgrade to A LOT stronger of a mixer board.

IMO you are wasting money on buying those speakers & can get much cheaper that will be great quality.

The speakers will be for the basement of a house for practice purposes. They will also be used for smaller performances at parties or if we ever want to do private performances in the basement. If those are overkill for those needs, do you suggest something else?

You're saying that the mixer I linked isn't powerfull enough to use for those speakers?

You can get the v-Drum 6V or 12V with all mesh drum triggers on craigslist or from listings from churches for around $500-$600... Churches upgrade all the time and get better drums so electronic drums are always for sale in personal listings.

I am confused why that set costs so much more its not mesh even... is the brain so much better than the 6V? Most V-Drummers export their drums out to Drums from Hell or BFD anyways so the module is then obsolete except for sending midi notes.

I'll check out Craigslist and stuff. Thanks for the ideas.

I have a fealing that I will mostly be using MIDI or some outside source for the sounds that the drum set will play.
No problem. I just want you to be fully aware that any efforts you make in your current state will result in terrible and ingenuine music. Grow up, shake off the teenage angst.

Ingenuine Isn’t a Word?

Whiskey tango foxtrot. I’ve been using ‘ingenuine’ for years. I’ve apparently used it nine times on this site. And yesterday my spell checker indicated that it wasn’t a word. Poppycock! I checked Nope. I checked Merriam-Webster. Nada. I even visited the bookshelf and checked my massive (steady, steady) OED. No joy.

Clearly I’m a buffoon.