Weekly PU's

Any chance we could get some actual pick up games going again once a week?

I'd be happy to help coordinate.

This would also be a good opportunity for some decent pub players that have never really played competitively to learn the game more so they make games better overall. I'm sick of so many players not understanding how to hold a flag at base, and when to grab and not grab, etc etc. I think I played 5 straight games last night on the losing team because I was the only one on my team that could get a return, but also the only one that could hold the flag at base. And I can't play both positions at same time like mun.

Also, how much do I need to donate to the server to get admin? I wouldn't abuse it, but if I helped with PU's it would come in handy. Not sure how many contributors are already admining server.
Damn I'd be down. I've been playing alot again lately so let's get some oldies back for some PU's man.
Hopefully not maverick vgr.
I wouldn't mind playing a pu... as soon as I get my connection fixed. Its unplayable right now with 10+ packet loss.
l0l tribes cpma is dead guys

nah, there are more than enough people to make pu's work again lol. I'll say it one more time. I have counted 70+ different people playing tribes in last few weeks. If 10 of the non-chaka/vav's show up, we will have PU's. Obviously, it'd be nice to have more competitive PU's.. but playing a decent PUB until thumper joins server and fucks the teams up by being a hacker is only fun for so long. ;)

Anyway, I just downloaded one of storks configs, and now I finally see how it is some of you fuckers seem to never miss. idk if you have this same config, but it is SO much easier to see shit and aim with this config. My old one was a POS. You guys are all fucked when I get used to this, should have did this 5 years ago.
I wouldn't mind playing a pu... as soon as I get my connection fixed. Its unplayable right now with 10+ packet loss.
i feel your frustration. I think comcast treats my signal as low priority since I use a hotspot service. I find it easier to use the wifi as a metered connection so it doesn't hog bandwidth. Especially when streaming movies. For gaming put it back to non metered connection since only a couple hundred mbs get sent and received.

gaming isn't as bandwidth needy as some people think it is. Comcast and a few other companies put low priority on udp packets. At least thats what bugs_ told me. It kind of makes sense that they'd do something like that.

but yeah less video streaming and more tribes
Which config did u download?

your proconfigvol2 - I'm really liking it so far, just got to get the hang of flag passing with it as I've found it to be more challenging since I'm not used to it. But I can definitely tell that my accuracy has gone way up. I have gotten kills/damage that I never would have with my old config. Can just see everything so clearly - if I could do it easily, I would link to a comparison video - but that sounds like something that would be too much work atm lol.

Bottomline, my old config sucked - ask clown for confirmation on that, he played on my comp for like 5 minutes before he just said fuck it and stopped.

I also feel like the game is slower with your config, so it has made capping so much more effortless - I might try capping more, because it seems so much easier. I can see routes much better.

Thank you for this man!