Marweas still hasnt told us about getting fired

Little blast from the past. GenCon 2005. As Yankee phrased it: Nigga give me back my camera. He gave his camera over to a bum to take our picture and the guy kept backing up. We were sure he was going to run off with the camera.

ok thats funny as shit. the expressions match your description perfectly :rofl:
I have to laugh that some people still cling to the junior high concept that the world is suffering because nobody listened to their ideas :lol:

Great thread, good to see Marweas responding again, and a bit more light shone upon old issues of interest.

I don't think anyone said that the world was suffering due to this. Only a dead game series.
Reading stuff like this seriously reaffirms my belief that without EVERYONE on a project having a passion for it that it's not worth doing. This goes for anything BTW. I'm at the point in my life now where I may if everything turns out okay I might just fund a small gaming company to work on games for mobile phones and perhaps a console with a good api tool set.

I don't know why but every-time I talk with someone going for their MBA they always ask me what I would do to be successful and I always give the same advice. Have passion for what you're in and target an audience that's not being given the attention and service they deserve.

With that said are FPS, RPG and RTS games being being given that attention and respect they deserve.....for the most part. MMP_ FPS gaming (I.E. 60+ ).....not really no.
Working on Tribes was one of the best experiences in my career. Being able to delve as deeply as I did and work with folks like Thrax and Marweas, who absolutly loved the property and would have died for it was really rewarding. IG was also totally devoted to the game and tried to make it work.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Okay, so, I'm lost...

Which Tribes game did you work on? Tribes or Tribes 2?

It's not IGA's fault...right. They were devoted to Tribes or..."the game", which is it?
The most annoying thing about T:V was how some of the devs would say the game was working as intended when in fact it had major problems (tourney mode etc).

yes, I'm looking at you menzo
If the patch had been released, I'd still be playing TV.

But what I remember grabbing me by the jugular was that Tribes was online only and team based. I had been playing Quake, Quake 2 - but here was something that from the get-go made a community.
I was so tired of death match.

Team Fortress could be the answer.