Of which, at one time, it is estimated that ~10% aren't guilty of the crimes they got the death sentence for.

around 10%, huh? bullshit. you are telling me that out of 500 people executed, 50 of them weren't guilty? total fucking bullshit, because if that was the case then we know without a doubt that our court system doesn't work at all and needs to be shut down.

quit making up numbers, you pathetic lying piece of shit pedophile. no one likes you anyway, so go the fuck away.
what % of all the helpless aborted human lives were guilty?

So you want government to start dictating to you, no issue for you.

Individual choice/right > state > fed

It's actually a conservative value.

Curmudgeon said:
It's "the Godfather of Conservatism" who said :

"I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone else in the process." (in a 1994 Washington Post essay)

"The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others,"

"I don't have any respect for the Religious Right."

"Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

"A woman has a right to an abortion."

"A lot of so-called conservatives don't know what the word means. They think I've turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right."

- Barry Goldwater

Washingtonpost.com: Goldwater Speech
But the current Christian right was not to Goldwater's liking. He had no use for its doctrinaire style. In the end, he was a libertarian, for abortion rights, for gay rights – a Goldwater grandson is homosexual.
yeah you should totally have the right to choose to exterminate unique human lives in order to save yourself time and money.

sounds very conservative.
I'm always amazed at the fact that right wing anti-government "OMG you can't trust the government!" people are almost always rabidly pro death penalty.

I'm not anti death penalty because I think it's brutal and wrong and immoral.

I'm anti death penalty because I don't trust the government and the courts to get it right. anyone who has ever served on a jury knows the courts are total bullshit.
Your problem is that you see me arguing for a womans right to choose what to do with her body so you assume Im a liberal or Democrat. You're wrong I'm not so stop with the obama does this and that shit towards me because it does not achieve your desired effect. He's POS who should be impeached just like the POS sitting in the Governors mansion in Austin.

This thread is about Texas politics and how the GOP is breaking the rules and trying to force through legislation that could not pass during the regular session.

You want to bitch, moan and cry about Obama, start your own thread

Wait, wat?

So thats how you weasel out of it?

The point was clear and isnt my fault it sailed passed you, analogy and all.

If you really believe its about Owebama, you have as much a grip on reality as ICPedo.

Try again?
I'm always amazed at the fact that right wing anti-government "OMG you can't trust the government!" people are almost always rabidly pro death penalty.

I'm not anti death penalty because I think it's brutal and wrong and immoral.

I'm anti death penalty because I don't trust the government and the courts to get it right. anyone who has ever served on a jury knows the courts are total bullshit.

I'd call it pro-justice. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don't do the crime in the first place. Personal responsibility... etc... etc..
I'm always amazed at the fact that right wing anti-government "OMG you can't trust the government!" people are almost always rabidly pro death penalty.

I'm not anti death penalty because I think it's brutal and wrong and immoral.

I'm anti death penalty because I don't trust the government and the courts to get it right. anyone who has ever served on a jury knows the courts are total bullshit.


Ok, I'll play along.

So what does it take to convince you of say... a serial killer to be put to death? Or someone who molests and then kills a child?

What system would you create? Why should anyone trust the system you create?

Or does said serial killer / child molester get to live out there life in a cage?
i know i don't care unless it's the woman i'm with.

all the others will be judged later anyway, i'm not worried about it.
I'd call it pro-justice. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don't do the crime in the first place. Personal responsibility... etc... etc..

and that's fine and dandy. I just don't understand why people in one breath say you can trust the government run courts but you can't trust the government to do anything else. it's not consistent.
and that's fine and dandy. I just don't understand why people in one breath say you can trust the government run courts but you can't trust the government to do anything else. it's not consistent.

i don't know, maybe because the government has many many facets and they aren't all the same as the court system?

dumb fuck
so the courts, which did things like decide roe v. wade and struck down gay marriage bans and struck down DOMA and did that whole brown v. board of education thing is always right and correct?
i still don't understand why anyone cares if someone else gets an abortion

It shouldnt be anyone's business except for the two people involved and who they choose to involve, such as parents (where warranted).

The problem is that regardless of the faux "science" argument trying to demean a human life as nothing more than a stage name (zygote, etc.), life begins at conception. It takes two and is the responsibility of BOTH who created that life. This is where the government has stuck its nose in this business and took its cue from Margaret Sanger with planned parenthood. If anything, these murder centers should operate purely in an open market and not have any gvt involvement at all. If that couple chooses to go snuff that life out, then thats on them. The religious need to stay the fuck out of their business as well. Im sure some of them who have squirted out a squad of kids wouldnt appreciate someone telling them that they are only allowed to have so many kids instead of using that vagina as a fucking clown car.

Cliffs: both religion and gvt need to stay the fuck out of peoples' business. Quit using taxpayer money for both abortions and installing support systems that promote irresponsibility (welfare, SCHIP, etc.).
and that's fine and dandy. I just don't understand why people in one breath say you can trust the government run courts but you can't trust the government to do anything else. it's not consistent.

Because in cases like Jeffrey Dahmer either the government and society deals with him........or angry mobs will.

Essentially that is what happened to him in prison anyways. The utilitarian thing to do is to not waste food and money on someone who clearly doesn't deserve it. Give it to someone who does......even starving kids in Africa are far more deserving than dumping 50-100k a year into these shitbags to incarcerate them.

I'm ok with dragging him behind a truck, with chains, for the next twenty miles and letting physics decide his verdict. To stop me from doing that I guess we need court systems and shit. As bad as they are, letting the family of those killed invoke their own vigilante justice would be far grimmer.
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yes, that's exactly what i said.

way to comprehend while reading. you go girl.

so you're saying you don't trust the court system, you just don't trust the rest of the government more.


so my original question still stands. if you don't trust the courts to get it right why would you let them kill people?
and that's fine and dandy. I just don't understand why people in one breath say you can trust the government run courts but you can't trust the government to do anything else. it's not consistent.

Because of the whole jury of your peers, trial, etc.. thing. You trust the jurors to make the decision based on evidence, not the government.
As if sitting in prison for the next 100 years is somehow less of a punishment or burden.

Either we each invoke our own form of justice, or we accept the idea of a centralized justice system. Be it good or bad......and ours more than needs some drastic improvements.

Personally, I'm ok with either outcome. If the system failed me bad enough, it was my family members that got killed/tortured, I would go "Law Abiding Citizen" on the person responsible anyways.
have you ever been on a jury?

and the prosecutors have discretion in who they charge and what they charge them with, cops and crime labs tamper with evidence, and no one on the jury actually wants to be there because most of them are getting the shitty daily wage provided by the court and they're not being paid for their regular job. they can't be fired because they're on a jury, but their employer doesn't have to pay them either.