Preorder Duke Nukem Forever

Just like Duke Nukem 3D, when we played when our parents weren't watching (that damn spacebar wore out from all the tassle twirling and 100s spent...), this is a game I am going to have to play, and most likely will have to play it when my wife is not awake.
holy shit DS3 was made?


i was going to opt to buy a mid range computer but i may have to splurge and get my nerd on
hey goshin do you want to be DS3 buddies?

 you cant make crappy threads in game, right? j/k <3 
Notice that it's on Steam.

Tribes3 needs to be distributed this way. Even if the game sucks, they're still reaching thousands of game fans.
fancy cat do you want to play coop with me? We can spend 30mins throwing feces at each other and then never touch the game again.
goshin next time i come through austin im going to call you up and we can hang out shirtless @ barton springs

maybe take pics of us doing a bro five for tw
no, not that often. May be down there over thanksgiving when I visit fam. I'm pretty sure its still like 150 degrees in texas at thanksgiving so going shirtless should still be an option.