[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

sometimes a description of the video and/or game mentioned, however brief, can prove successful
Eh it looks nondescript. Why do console games always have to make the characters and background always be so damn blurry and identically coloured. Bad Company 2 is the first game I've found where everything is sharp and clear.
attractive graphics, but it's dark as fuck. i hate when games do that. LET ME SEE WHERE THE FUCK IM GOING.
Oh hey, a realistic combat first person shooter with MP5s, grenade launchers, shotguns, and sniper rifles, this is new.

Also, check out those awesome graphics, those hyper-blurred ground textures really bring out the subtleties of the different shades of rust that make up the walls. All they need now is some various construction equipment and needless catwalks and walkwa. . .oh, they already have that. Well then this game is sure to please the masses.
Dear video game industry: please refer to Wikipedia or some other informative website to obtain the latest infromation on colors other than grey, black, rust and beige.
Watched the cinematic trailer on gametrailers. It was a pretty cool trailer, but of course has no indication of how good the game will be.
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ETQW no thank you.
ET:QW had balance issues because Strogg had totally different toys and abilities from those available to the GDF.

Brink should be closer to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory as far as balance is concerned. You're playing two human factions with matching weapons and classes, just like Axis vs Allies in W:ET.

I'm really looking forward to Brink.
Brink is looking pretty good IMO.
I hope it doesn't get consolized too much as far as the shooting goes, but the fact that you can climb on everything is awesome. It's like Mirror's Edge with proper shooty bits.
This looks like a simplified ET:QW without the vehicles (which were the part I disliked about it), but not exactly like ET.

I like the graphical style too. Everybody looks like some sort of cartoony rapist.