[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

When someone posts a video of Gameplay, expect comments on video of Gameplay.

Fuck, I barely know anything about this fucking piece of shit game. I watched (some of) the video, then posted what I thought.

Game looks boring, or post a better video.
I think Wolf:ET videos would look boring too, but that was a great game. That game and Quakewars are the reasons why I'm buying Brink, which seems to have the same core gameplay mechanics that those two games had.
I want / need something fast-paced. If it's slower than QuakeLive, or Tribes than I can't see myself enjoying it.
Aside from movement speed I never felt Tribes was all that crazy fast paced. Quake Live is pretty quick though.
Yeah. There's a game video I watched recently that seemed much faster. It must've been Rage. I dunno.
I'm not so sure the review embargo means much...I've seen games with late embargos get reviewed quite well.

Unless something is massively broken mechanically I can't see this game being any shittier than Bro Ops or Modern Brofare. The fact that those games consistently get 9.0+ scores is reason enough to not put much stock in reviews anyway.
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Yeah. There's a game video I watched recently that seemed much faster. It must've been Rage. I dunno.

Its not Rage either. This will have some fast points, but if you seriously are "If it's slower than QuakeLive, or Tribes than I can't see myself enjoying it."

you should just stop playing games, forever. Nothing is going to beat quake speed
fragworld.org is hosting a launch part of sorts tonight as well. Giving away swag and (i think) free copies of the game. I can get TS info if anyone is interested.

eoreality.net servers are also giving away free brink copies.
I think this has a bit more staying than either of those, but I'd give it a month or two before the majority of TW loses interest. Unless it's super awesome.