Midair Alpha Launching 26th March

I played T2, T:V, and T:A for a combined total of an hour. Midair skiing is trivial to learn and takes a bit more effort to get good at. T1 skiing is difficult to learn and near impossible to master. Attention spans have dropped dramatically and there are a lot more well-made games vying for attention now than in 1998.
In 2017, I don't think T1 skiing would hold a layperson's attention when they are going to give it maybe an hour. If they get over the initial (very long) hump, sure. That initial hump is much shorter in Midair even if the payoff is not quite as good.
so today i played around 1.5 hr..game is actually better than i thought...sniping felt too weak towards heavies tho, takes like 20 shots..
tbh, i dont really get ppl that are frustrated with learning how to ski

capping is like, the easiest thing to do in midair imo

grab flag, hit the first golfball sized divot in terrain you see, and fly all the way back 2 ur base w/o ever touching the ground

as long as you get used to the (imo extremely un-intuitive) idea that you shouldn't hold down W once ur moving

granted, its different than previous tribes games - but its really easy to pickup. like, retard easy.
I still don't understand the not holding down W choice, people on servers were talking about that when I played yesterday. When you make a control choice that is counter intuitive to the point that people need to give basic movement tips in game there is a problem.
So, uh, this came out I guess lol? I backed at $30 and received no emails or notifications or anything that it launched on Steam. How do I get my early access code from my Kickstarter pledge so I can activate it on Steam, because I'm definitely not buying it twice.
You should have gotten an email with the closed beta code from the kickstarter pledge. If not I'm sure you can figure out how to contact them and get your key re-sent
Yeah I actually found it finally - buried under spam. 120fps cap zzz. Only one server seemed active with 17 players. Seems good.
Yeah I actually found it finally - buried under spam. 120fps cap zzz. Only one server seemed active with 17 players. Seems good.

i think you can change the cap to 144fps manually. let me find out.
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