Game of Thrones Season 8

Yeah, the way it's gone this season I have to think there's zero chance it'll be a dark ending. Some important people may still die, but all in all will have a positive resolution.

List of major characters that die.
If the leaks are even half true this will go down as the worst series finale of all time. Lost and Dexter will look brilliant by comparison.
Lost faith so why not. I have no idea if they're true or not either since there have been so many.
It's obvious
Ceri & Dragon queen
rule as lesbians
It's their turn

and everyone who even looks like a white male dies
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My guesses:

Hound Kills mountain
arya kills cersai using jaime's face...or some crazy shit like that.
real jaime dies with cersai
dany goes all mad queen and jon, or someone, kills her....maybe arya?

just guesses, but at this rate, anything could happen.
I actually really liked episode 2. 3 was epic as far as the battle scenes is concerned....but then it sort of dropped off in terms of quality.
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