April TW Drinking Log

People always say that shit. and the people that spout this are almost always from the uk or aus. i've spent a lot of time in both places, and i did a lot of drinking in both places with the "locals." I'm by no means some blackhole of liqour, and I didn't have any issues "keeping up" with whoever was out that night. honestly if anything i did a better job of holding my booze. these cats were always getting a little too rowdy and were basically overly interested in picking fights towards the end of the night.

Why else would you drink?

So your weak and girly too?
Why else would you drink?

So your weak and girly too?

Are you suggesting you drink so that you can get in fights later on? is that because ordinarily you wouldn't have the balls to pick a fight, but once you've got the dutch courage in you it isn't an issue?

Am I weak? Probably compared to some. I'm not really into body building and I go out of my way to keep a good power to weight ratio (i'm into rock climbing and being good at that sport is more important to me than looking swoll).

Ordinarily I drink to get drunk. I get drunk because I like the feeling of being drunk. I don't drink to get in fights, I'm wayyy too fucking classy to think getting in fights is cool or awesome. Sometimes you get dragged into that shit and you do what you must, but I'd never start off the night hoping that there'd be a fight later on.

You sound like a douchebag. I bet you're really clever too.
ive been on antibiotics for the last week

i still managed to crush a 6 of yuengling and 2 whiskey gingers last night though
A new Total Wine and More just opened last week 2 blocks away from here. My at home consumption of alcohol may rise substantially.