i fucking hate israel

Speaking about Israel. You wonder why the US has done so well in the past? It is because of their relationship to Israel. Turning away from Israel is the worst thing the US could do. Jews have become one of the most wealthy groups in the world, if not the wealthiest, and it is their wealth that has blessed the world. Their hard work and innovation.

Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

ps. this is a great song.
oh and apocalyptic christians, which is every christian i guess

If they are a true Christian, yes. There are many Christians in name only who do not believe in the eschatology end espoused in the Bible. Which makes one wonder, how can they be Christians if they don't even believe in what the Bible says?
They do those things only AFTER the Pali's attack them.

As my previous post illustrates, they are constantly being attacked and don't respond. When they do respond, they get the point across.

Some of them yes, but they most certainly just fuck with them as best as they can. Turn off Water/Electricity, build walls, declare no-go zones/curfews. Interesting that there seem to be fewer Israel ass-gobblers nowadays besides the regular Jews.
Is Israel following in the Nazi parties footsteps? Did they learn from Hitlers mistakes how to commit genocide while looking like the victim? Is Gaza just their Warsaw ghetto?

If only we knew for sure.
Speaking about Israel. You wonder why the US has done so well in the past? It is because of their relationship to Israel. Turning away from Israel is the worst thing the US could do. Jews have become one of the most wealthy groups in the world, if not the wealthiest, and it is their wealth that has blessed the world. Their hard work and innovation.

ps. this is a great song.

I think its funny that you claimed the US was going to be ruined soon, and now you claim we did well during those years because of israel.
You cant even keep up with yourself mang.
If they are a true Christian, yes. There are many Christians in name only who do not believe in the eschatology end espoused in the Bible. Which makes one wonder, how can they be Christians if they don't even believe in what the Bible says?

Shit man, I'm with you. I can't wait to eat some sweet and sour scrolls, see some bitchin' trumpet playing, chicks clothed in celestial bodies, magic guys on super horses, etc etc.
Israel kills more people in an average week than the KKK killed during the entire twentieth century.

And even though orbitard is trolling, Dr. David Duke is always a good listen:

Is Israel following in the Nazi parties footsteps? Did they learn from Hitlers mistakes how to commit genocide while looking like the victim? Is Gaza just their Warsaw ghetto?

If only we knew for sure.

If you can't see the difference your mod was just a symptom of a greater disease you suffer from.
It's funny Americans supporting Palestine. You don't give a fuck about these animals. You just don't like Jews. Get real with yourself already and hook up with someone like absent. Just try and stop us.:lol:

Animals? That's what absent calls non-whites.

RR, I've always enjoyed your posts and saw you as a "man of the world". So what's with the small time parochial attitude?

Israel's actions (supported and made possible by US support) doesn't speak well of Jewish people - who've made such pains to point out the horrors of racism that they've made a lucrative industry of it. They now appear to behave just like oppressors. Israel could be a "light upon nations" but now they're showing us what chauvinistic fuktards they really are. Sadly, this makes me re-evaluate why they've been persecuted throughout the ages.

What's with the Zionazism?

I don't see any chance for a Palestinian State, or a two State solution. So why does Israel seem to be charging headlong into a one-State solution? Or are they really just being uber patient about crowding the Pal's out?
Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran

Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are to be deployed in the Gulf near the Iranian coastline.

Which juxtaposes quite nicely with:

Israel rejects new drive to ban nukes from Mideast
Israel declared late Saturday that it would not take part in a 2012 conference on establishing a nuclear-free Middle East — an Arab-led initiative backed by top ally U.S. and the 188 other signatories to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

We have to make exceptions for Israeli's cause they're the exceptional people rite? amirite? I really want to know if uma rite. tank you
Good goyim. Yes, in the words of the late president of Poland: "Polish Jews in Poland are just like everybody else. Except they are special." And this, of course, applies to any nation in the world. The Jews are "special" - one rule for the goyim, one rule for the Jew.
There were people there before Judaism existed. What makes that one point in time when jews owned the land any more significant or "right" than other periods of time when other groups of people owned / occupied it? borders are fluid, and always have been. native americans were in the US before Europeans. Does that mean they are entitled to get all the land back? The only factor that matters is who is strong enough to hold an empire together. Once the jews got pushed out and dominated, their claim was gone. Just like every other society in every other part of history in the world.
I can't speak for all Natives, but as far as I'm concerned as long as you're not a dick and you're making an effort to work hard and make a better world, you're more than welcome. If you're lazy or a dick, no worries, just stay where you're at.

If we apply that as a rubric, not only is Orbital unwelcome in this country, should he ever so much as attempt to set foot in it, his scalp belongs to the first person to get to him.
Unprovoked attack on foreign unarmed civilians.

Sorry Jomo, but this is how the Israeli military operates. Shoot at well known civilian targets, call it "collateral". How can you justify killing unarmed civilians like this? Seriously?
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