New Lingo that you kind of hate...


holy cringe fucking tastic

like watching your grandparents use the word "woke" and "safe space"

basically everything out of your mouth is shit at this point
Getting iced - is a drinking game in which certain individuals or groups of individuals are required to drink a bottle of Smirnoff Ice.

Take Me Back - is tagged on pictures of places or things people saw/did and want to go back to that place/time.
While I can appreciate the stupidity of some of my generation's words/phrases, such as "groovy", "cool", "far out", "dig it", "bitchin", "bummer", "drag"...

I find the ones being used today to be just as stupid. Especially being used by millennials, it's like they are trying too hard. At least some of the 60s slang is still used today. Not sure "dank" has that kind of staying power compared to "cool".
fake news
antifa (not necessarily lingo, I just hate them)
safe spaces

all played out
I hate hearing these idiots who can't pronounce the letter "t" for some goddamned reason - even broadcasters/reporters:

button = "bu'in"
important = "impor'int"

etc etc etc