Woman's 5-day trip from Florida to Maine in van was an 'inhumane . . . hell.'


Veteran XV
Caged in van No. 1304 | Sun Journal


- Quinn was sentenced at the end of November on a 2011 forgery charge stemming from having written checks on her mother's account without permission. She had violated her probation from that case by using alcohol and failing to report to her probation officer, among other violations.

- She was being transported to face probation violations from a five-year-old forgery charge.

- The private transport company, US Prisoner Transport, transported Quinn by van from Kissimmee, Florida to Auburn, Maine. The trip lasted seven days.

- The van's two drivers carried handguns and Tasers. They spoke little English. They wouldn't stop when Quinn begged to use a bathroom.

- She was locked in a cage smaller than a dog cage.

- They would not stop for restroom breaks for more than 12 hours at times.

- When her period started, Quinn was forced to sit in her blood-soaked pants for hours before one of the drivers finally tossed her a pad. She was told to pee in a plastic bag and, at one point, had to use the wrapper from her $2 burger as a toilet in full view of strange men, who, like Quinn, were bound and locked in the back of the van, but not caged.

- The stench from her bodily fluids and solids that soiled and matted her clothes made her gag. She vomited repeatedly until her stomach was empty. And she was forced to sit in that, too.

- One of the male passengers had a seizure, and when the other passengers tried to get the drivers attention, he responded by braking, accelerating, and swerving sporadically, jettisoning the unsecured passengers, including the one having the seizure, all over the van.

- "I was freezing," she said, "I . . . literally never, ever felt cold like that in my life. I couldn't get warm. I couldn't move. I couldn't do nothing to make it stop. It was like pain. The cold was literally painful." Eventually, she said, she managed to flip a switch in her mind on the persistent pain, turning it to numbness.

- One passenger hadn't been medically cleared for travel, and suffered a heart attack.

- Androscoggin County District Attorney Andrew Robinson said Friday his office would immediately stop using the Tennessee-based private transportation company U.S. Prisoner Transport unless new allegations of mistreatment of prisoners are disproved.

- US Prisoner Transport have killed 10 people since 2001 by transporting them. Many of these passengers had not been formally sentenced at the time of transport.

Company seems alive and well...
Home Page ǀ U.S. Prisoner Transport

I guess that's what happens when you privatize the penial system. Reminds me of the Juvenile Court scandal in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania...
one of my buddies got extradited from florida to connecticut and that is basically how he described the 6 day road trip up. he told me he'd rather suicide by cop before going through that again.
How does it take 7 days to travel from Florida to Maine? If they're driving for over 12 hours without stopping, they'd be there in 2 days.
Privatize the Penal System... what a brilliant idea.

What is this, the 1800's?

Why does it take 6 days to travel 1,000 miles? I went 2,100 miles across Canada by car for my uncles funeral in 2 days.
I doubt they are going to make prisoner transports comfortable. Kinda goes with the whole confined thing. Get caught up in the system and prepare to be fucked. Don't break the law or at least don't get caught.
I doubt they are going to make prisoner transports comfortable. Kinda goes with the whole confined thing. Get caught up in the system and prepare to be fucked. Don't break the law or at least don't get caught.

this is rich coming from a pot smoker
yea i figured TW would eat this up, waiting for more condescending drivel to come in personally. y'all holding out on me.
Well, one does have to question the version of events coming from someone convicted of fraud.
So some bitch was stealing from her mother and got off with only probation. She fucked that up by skipping town and got caught, and now she's mad she didn't get a limo ride back to jail.
Imagine how much longer it would take if they stopped every time someone said they had to go? I don't believe the 12 hours without stopping accusation, I'm sure they have guidelines about minimum spans without stopping.