[QuakeWars] Enemy Territory


Veteran XV
Latest Update : 04/06/08


TW Name - In-Game Name

JodoFett - FuriousJodo
LouCypher - DaJackal
Dwarfvader - Dwarfvader
Waks - Arcanexanth
FishStix - FishStix
dev - dev-
Got Haggis? - gothaggis

I'll update this again with favorite servers, vent, or clan crap if people feel motivated enough to post it. And it will all stay on the top page.
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FishStix - FishStix

Like I said in the other QW thread, if you guys need teams to join I can probably hook you up.
The renewed interest is because it's fun when you play with people who don't suck and or against computers who are just stupid retarted.
Why the sudden renewed interest in ET:QW?

I bought it for the PC when it was released and played it 3 times.

Latest patches have kind of improved the game, I dunno, I am liking it a lot now for some reason and it's got a fairly decent community going now.
if i get some free time tomorrow i swear i'm going to get my windows partition running again and play with you guys :)
if there is enough interest from TW (which I highly doubt) I will gladly drop my current team (top tier, mind u) and help you noobs out.