[Official] Who's Drinking?


is happening in mybody.
I took the GRE again tuesday and then got shit housed at this brewery. Dollar house beers, I have no idea how many I had but I was there from 8 til 2:30. Then I left there, drank an extremely unnecessary tequilla shot at another bar and biked home.

I made it all the way back before crashing into my mailbox and fucking up the area around my left eye. Not too bad but I do have road rash and a big ass cut above my eye.

To add on top of this mishap, I've been battling the flu. Christ
Lol. That is awesome... Wrecked by 5pm

On the way to Nigeria, we stopped off in Rome for 5 hours. Got there at 7am. We were hammered by 10am. They have no qualms about serving alcohol early. We went to a duty free store, and they were trying to sell some kind of Martini. So they mixed them up in front of you, and you could have 3. That got followed by a bottle of Jack single barrel, then our captain wanted to spend some money and bought some champagne. He rarely drinks.. was so wasted on the plane. I got a few embarrassing pics of him on the plane :) When traveling for 24 hours or so, there really is not night or day.

While in Nigeria, our last two days there, some oil people from an unnamed company. We ate with them down stairs, and after we ate, he offered to buy drinks. Had an unlimited company card, and we went a little crazy. Was fun though. I am pretty sure I gained 5lbs in 2 weeks there drinking so much.

Oh, and a friend and I are 90% going to Oktoberfest next weekend. We're back in Sicily now, and it's a short hop there. Should be fun.
how do u stay in shape and drink so much em

Honestly I am just very lucky to have good genetics. I do work out about every other day, about 30 mins each day. I eat pretty poorly and do drink a lot. Most of our guys work out wayyy more, eat better, etc. But I don't see much joy in that.

And today, we booked our flight and hotel to Oktoberfest. Just $770 to fly to from Catania Sicily to Munich Germany Friday the 20th arrive at noon, and leave Monday the 23rd at 8pm. Opening ceremonies are Saturday, so it's perfect! I am pretty damn excited.