Its ok that our government including trump are pedophiles

:lol:what'd you builda life insurance policy that the dude pegging you gave you so you could have his house and never work again?

There is work all over Georgia and Alabama with my name signed in fat cap marker. I have a trade dumbass. Have had it since 2005. Without people like me there is no civilization. I was retired before I even met my Michael. He bought this place with some of the 30k I gave him when we first met back in 2008 at the HBG Convention Center in San Antonio. I bought it back for 1$ after his death.

You are very dumb and suck at playing the game of life. Which is why you have to work, and I do not. Git gud.
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ah yes, the lost decade of 2005 to 2015 when you were a meth mouth drifter

If I was such a druggie surely I would have a pot charge at the very least. Yet have never had a drug charge of any kind you absolute moron. POTUS will win re-election. Barrett will be Justice. Bidens will be going to jail. We are taking our Republic back.

There is not a fucking thing you commies can do about it. Deal with it pretend straight guy.
you aint white
you just said so, and said you are destroying civilization
please go back south to mexico land and stay there, according to your beliefs

the truth always shows itself in the end

like leftists being the true racists, even after all those years of virtue signaling.

don't you dare step off of their plantation, minority, or you will get what's coming to you
ah yes, the lost decade of 2005 to 2015 when you were a meth mouth drifter

or the years spent as a shirtless queef tard looking for attention on tw now turned into an angry little twat.

Also, you hurt Hunter's feelings.
the truth always shows itself in the end

like leftists being the true racists, even after all those years of virtue signaling.

don't you dare step off of their plantation, minority, or you will get what's coming to you

You can't really be black, Havax. I have proof. Otherwise, you'd vote Biden. Amirite?
There is work all over Georgia and Alabama with my name signed in fat cap marker. I have a trade dumbass. Have had it since 2005. Without people like me there is no civilization. I was retired before I even met my Michael. He bought this place with some of the 30k I gave him when we first met back in 2008 at the HBG Convention Center in San Antonio. I bought it back for 1$ after his death.

You are very dumb and suck at playing the game of life. Which is why you have to work, and I do not. Git gud.

in this episode of things that never happened.
Fucken elite, they're all a bunch of pedo aliens sucking our children's blood to stay young >;/
hows the batch of fish stew? Do you have a friday night special with a little roofie action?
lying your ass off and reaping the benefits of fucking an old dying dude with aids to get property and get out of your meth life
well tw is full of idiots.. so im sure if he just pretends like he wasnt bragging about getting a house for $1 and how mike left it for him and how he got tits on welfare that most people here will believe him if he keeps it up for a couple weeks..

Then again it seems like a majority of ppl here are ok with pedos so. *shrug*