You raff yuo roose v.3871

US Police blame 'Bird Box challenge' for car crash


A US teen has caused a two-car road accident driving with her eyes covered in imitation of Netflix horror, Bird Box.

The streaming giant was forced to issue a warning to customers attempting the so called "Bird Box challenge", which prompts fans of the film attempt mundane tasks while blindfolded as characters in the film are forced to do, calling on them not to end up in hospital.

Police in Utah shared pictures of an accident in which a ute had t-boned a car. A police report stated the 17-year-old driver had "as a part of this 'Bird Box Challenge,' used her beanie to pull over her eyes as she was driving".
There's nothing funny about how badly that 17-year-old needs to have the life beaten out of her. I don't mind Darwin Award candidates but when they risk the life or safety of someone else that should just be a life sentence. Get them off the street.
If you are going to be a crook, at last put some effort into it.. a little research maybe? Read the fucking sign maybe?

I think he yells "Fuck!"
I think the empty jewellery cases tell the story.

FYI, Those stores always have a sign out front that clearly states they store the jewelry in a safe overnight
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I'm surprised they don't have impact/shatterproof glass in the doors of a Jewellery store. You shouldn't be able to too just shatter the door with a bar like that.
I'm surprised they don't have impact/shatterproof glass in the doors of a Jewellery store. You shouldn't be able to too just shatter the door with a bar like that.

life safety codes require that glass that is near where people will be must be tempered safety glass