The Drawing Thread


Veteran X
Here I will post things that I draw in class. Anyone else is free to do the same.

Original pic:

Colored photocopy:

Part of last year's character concept assignment.

It just dawned on me that I haven't finished a single piece of work in over two years now that wasn't due for school. Kinda makes me sad :(
I thought it was some sort of homoerotic Mario-esque pizza chef posing on a lounge chair.
PyroTeknik said:
It just dawned on me that I haven't finished a single piece of work in over two years now that wasn't due for school. Kinda makes me sad :(
I know exactly what you mean.. my discipline is very shitty when it comes to art.



^Drawn on the way to St. Pete a few days ago.

My free hand sketches are mostly shitty, which is why I practice all the time now.

Yeah, I need a scanner.
Here's the last thing I've drawn, it's apart of a 4 or 5 page submission thingie I'm getting together. There's a few more details to take care of on this page

Are you working for someone now or still sending out stuff?
I seem to recall you were trying to get picked up by Marvel for some spiderman stuff a while ago (then again, I have shoddy memory so it might be someone else :eek:).