Okay, smartie. Go to a party - girls are scantily clad and showing body.

And Lo and Behold, 2:26 Parademus said to Thine Lady,

"Arst thou aware, how much a white bear of the polar regions weighs?"

"Enough to break yonder frozen water."
im not interested in money or women the only reason I can think of guys getting involved with women is to get laid. thats not for me.
lol obviously he has dozens of girls falling all over him all the time

but Christ keeps him strongly away from temptation
if i wanted to i could sleep with half the women in this town.

the question is, I consider myself to be an anointed one of God, and uniting myself with the flesh of a prostitute, might even take away his call on my life. My flesh wants to, but my spirit does not.
lonely maybe, poor not. i live with a family that I can talk to at least, so far the Lord hasn't abolished that from my life, everything else has been slashed.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

Nerds can lie and nerds can cheat, nerds can hide beneath your feet, but at the end of the day you'll find the nerd deceit.

One of those being the classic rage-quit claiming to "leave" and still posting on the forums for 3 hours afterwards.

And yes I am cute as fuck.

3 hours afterwards? guess i was right, FAS has impaired your ability to understand time (just like linguistics). don't you have some star war figurines to paint?