"guitarist seeking band..." type sites? (plus a couple songs)


Veteran XX
i'm sure there are a million sites that offer this kind of service, but does anyone have experience with any of them in particular? i'm going to start looking for some people to play with and i'm curious as to whats out there.

a buddy of mine from college and i started jamming a little a couple weeks ago. both of us hadn't played years (which shows pretty severely), but we just wanted to get back to playing, even if only once a week.

side note, he owns a studio in Ventura, CA if anyone in that area ever wants to record anything, demo to pro: Goldmine Recording Studios

this is what we've been working on the last 2 weeks. we just stuck an SM57 in the corner and let er rip (me on guitar, him on drums):
NewSong#1 & IntroSong - we're both big tool fans, so these riffs are a little tool-esque
Meantime - a poor attempt @ Helmet's Meantime

and here's a song we did about 3-4 years ago when he first got the studio up and running:
Fuckin A Right
i would love to, but we're both super busy, and really only have time for a couple hours a week. also, i live in long beach, and he's up in ventura, so i'm driving almost 2 hours each way depending on traffic.

what we're really doing is putting instrumental songs together for DVDs that the drummer and his brother put out (wakeboarding and off road motorcycle vids). we have a buddy who is a bass player and he comes in to help finish things up (at least thats what we did on that fuckin a right song).

actually, thats why i'm looking for some people local so i can get more serious. i really miss playing in a band!
The drummer should play to a click.

Try craigslist for people to jam with. I found my current project through there and the guy isn't too crazy. In fact, he has quit drugs except booze.