FUCK CHINA and the Boat it Rode in On

Does this feel good China; How do like that
This guy lays china down and fucks her hard
So many places to put this...
It's like it all ties together into one big puzzle.
start it at teh beginning simpleton
I am starting a go fund me to feed this woman so she can finish her paper.

Chinese virologist says she has proof COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab

Now, she said she is planning to release scientific evidence to prove that the virus was made inside a lab in Wuhan.

“The genome sequence is like a human finger print,” she told the talk show. “So based on this you can identify these things. I use the evidence … to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the only ones who made it.”
a lot of people don't know this about lebron

but one of this favorite hobbies, besides sucking chinese pp, is to look like he is reading the first chapter of books in public







my favorite was him being pop book review quizzed on the malcolm x book he pretended to read in first image

as a former educator I figured you would enjoy this post severed

or sure hoped so.....:lol:

useful idiot

or just idiot

dance monkey dance

the idea that you struggle being paid more per year to bounce a ball than a blue collar worker makes in 1000 lifetimes doing say menial labor or construction work is the real tragedy

entitled sports ball players my biggest pet peeve these days and they are everywhere




i'd rather hear what this little kid has to say about china tbh

be more articulate and better thought out
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...If only someone with a true SCIENCE! background
someone who has graduated with a Masters in something sciency
if only someone like that was around for me to go to
and check if this makes sense

Virologist releases paper claiming coronavirus made in Chinese lab | Taiwan News

...The paper pointed out that the biological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 are not consistent with a naturally occurring zoonotic virus. The researchers assert that the genomic, structural, medical, and literaty evidence presented in the paper strongly contradicts the natural origin theory.

As previously mentioned by Yan, the researchers claim that evidence provided in the report point to the ZC45 and ZXC21 bat coronaviruses as the model or base for the chimera that became SARS-CoV-2.

Furthermore, the authors postulate that the steps needed to produce the virus synthetically in a laboratory can be achieved in "approximately six months." The scientists then call for an independent investigation into China's virology laboratories, particularly gain-of-function research carried out at the Wuhan Institue of Virology (WIV).

In Part 1 of the paper, the scientists provide evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 was subjected to in vitro manipulation. First, it states...
going on and on being all... well, SCIENCY!

bbl with some answers
my daughter who just graduated is coming to see me!!!
yea, it's been a year!

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Don't worry Groove
We just might be weaned off China
quicker than we thought...

look @ me being all oribitally and stuff
Second China defector gives biological weapons information - Washington Times

The defector escaped from China and traveled to Europe, where he is under the protection of a European government security service, according to the sources. The PLA defector believes that Chinese intelligence has penetrated the U.S. government and is therefore wary of cooperating with the CIA and other Western spy agencies.

Still, the defector has provided some information about China’s biological arms program that has reached the U.S. government. No other details of the defection could be learned.

Spys? In our own government? You don't say...

CABARET VOLTAIRE // Spies In The Wires on Vimeo
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