Godzilla! Huge Earthquake in Japan

Sure nobody has yet to point out a troll post on this thread by me, get your facts straight before you show yourself as a hypocrite.

You didn't walk toward the reactor because you know there is a serious situation there that could possibly turn catastrophic, that's obvious and given, and goes with what I've been saying all along.

You took a statement that had nothing to do with yourself personally and are lashing out because you're an asshole.

If you really are in a quake zone that bubble obviously doesn't apply to you, but this does prove how much of a dedicated asshole you are to lash out at people on a forum 1000s of miles away not even talking about you during the middle of one of the worst catastrophes of the last century.

this looks like a troll to me. you suggest that pk should go for a walk into the radioactive area. his point (rationally argued) was that the media was overstating the situation before the event was over, which he thought was inappropriate. he said you were being unreasonably hostile to him.

i'm just saying how this looks. if you don't think that this is trolling, i don't know what trolling is to you.
I was proving a point that there is radioactivity around the plant when they were saying it's still perfectly safe. The trolls before this were saying no radiation gets out if there is a loss of containment.
I was proving a point that there is radioactivity around the plant when they were saying it's still perfectly safe. The trolls before this were saying no radiation gets out if there is a loss of containment.

having a point has nothing to do with trolling. how you choose to argue your point is the trolling part. goshin had a point too. but he's a troll and you are not, right?

i've stated my case. if you refuse to acknowledge your part in bring the dialogue on this disaster into the shit, that's your problem.
I was proving a point that there is radioactivity around the plant when they were saying it's still perfectly safe. The trolls before this were saying no radiation gets out if there is a loss of containment.

Radioactivity is everywhere you know. Your house for example.
you just challenged me to point out to you where you were acting like a troll

and now that i have complied with your request, i am a troll

jesus christ what is the fucking point

So if someone calls you out on something he can't even admit to what it is, you wouldn't be compelled to prove your point that he is just being a dick?

the only thing worth reading right now. Cliffs at the bottom for all you lazy fucks.

* The plant is safe now and will stay safe.

* Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.

* Some radiation was released when the pressure vessel was vented. All radioactive isotopes from the activated steam have gone (decayed). A very small amount of Cesium was released, as well as Iodine. If you were sitting on top of the plants’ chimney when they were venting, you should probably give up smoking to return to your former life expectancy. The Cesium and Iodine isotopes were carried out to the sea and will never be seen again.

* There was some limited damage to the first containment. That means that some amounts of radioactive Cesium and Iodine will also be released into the cooling water, but no Uranium or other nasty stuff (the Uranium oxide does not “dissolve” in the water). There are facilities for treating the cooling water inside the third containment. The radioactive Cesium and Iodine will be removed there and eventually stored as radioactive waste in terminal storage.

* The seawater used as cooling water will be activated to some degree. Because the control rods are fully inserted, the Uranium chain reaction is not happening. That means the “main” nuclear reaction is not happening, thus not contributing to the activation. The intermediate radioactive materials (Cesium and Iodine) are also almost gone at this stage, because the Uranium decay was stopped a long time ago. This further reduces the activation. The bottom line is that there will be some low level of activation of the seawater, which will also be removed by the treatment facilities.

* The seawater will then be replaced over time with the “normal” cooling water

* The reactor core will then be dismantled and transported to a processing facility, just like during a regular fuel change.

* Fuel rods and the entire plant will be checked for potential damage. This will take about 4-5 years.

* The safety systems on all Japanese plants will be upgraded to withstand a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami (or worse)

* I believe the most significant problem will be a prolonged power shortage. About half of Japan’s nuclear reactors will probably have to be inspected, reducing the nation’s power generating capacity by 15%. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. That will increase your electricity bill, as well as lead to potential power shortages during peak demand, in Japan.
the only thing worth reading right now. Cliffs at the bottom for all you lazy fucks.

You're behind. TEPCO is evacuating staff, radiation levels are up to 8 times the yearly limit. Reactor #2 is now internally damaged and may be leaking radiation and TEPCO just said there may be a meltdown.