we should start tracking down former tribers for an epic where are they now thread.

opsayo tell us more about the era of tribes no one gives a fuck about

are you insinuating there is something wrong with his obsession with the history of a video game that reached the height of its popularity long before he started playing it

lol computer games

not sure whats worse, the fagots that play them, or the fagots that are high and mighty about not playing them anymore.

nah, im just kidding, but shut up
oh shit in this thread cyanide aka the jer relives his life's most glorious moments

akuma asked for all his posts to be removed because he was getting married and wanted to shed his retard online persona. every time fraggle would antagonize him about it, he would bitch to me, and then post on TW and make every situation worse. finally i just banned him because he'd show up, make a thread, get a bunch of responses he didn't like, and ask me to delete it. I think the ban has worked out best for him.
akuma helped me out in irc a lot when i was a member with all sorts of things whether it be sending me warez and texting me advice on stuff i knew nothing about without me even asking

i even called him once or twice and he walked me through some shit regarding installs and formatting

more than then rest of you fag hammers ever did

I wonder what the fuck happened to WarNipple of [IE] fame, that dude was fucking wacky. I can only imagine he's probably obese now.