[Need Votes]Win me a free wedding[Please]

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Your 16 vote(s) has been cast
I'll keep voting everday:
Congratulations! You have received total of 15 Bonus Votes to award to your favorite couple!
Thank you for registering to vote in Feldmann Nissan’s Dream Wedding Giveaway!

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You may vote once a day, every day, for your favorite couple.

EDIT: Thank you for Voting.
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Your 16 vote(s) has been cast
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You're rockin it out!!

woooohooo. Already planning to buy one of these:
Some one smarter than me should write a script to parse all of the contestants for name and votes since its all in plain text in the source. Nothing fancy.
there is one couple that is 300 behind and another that is 500 behind. They both had the 1700 bonus starting votes though so I'm not too worried.
My six (6) votes have been cast for 3/4/09

is there any way to check if someone actually regged and didn't just type "voted" in this thread?
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Some one smarter than me should write a script to parse all of the contestants for name and votes since its all in plain text in the source. Nothing fancy.

I can do it where it opens every single couples page individually. They're using some goofy trickery to actually advance the couples page, I don't know how to do that dynamically.
Haha I made the script but my host or theirs is gonna kill it in NO time. I'd rather grab it from the paged list and do 1/12th the pages but I'm not sure wtf .NET shit they're doing to advance the page.

// we have to open every couples page separately since 
// we can't view the entire paged list, fuckers.
for ($i=1; $i<=517; $i++) {
	$url = 'http://feldmannnissangiveaway.com/Details.aspx?wid=' . $i;
	// I happen to know the couple name is on line 88
	$cname = $file[88];
	// and their votes are on line 92
	$cvotes = $file[92];

	echo '<tr><td>' . $cname . '</td><td>' . $cvotes . '</td></tr>';
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