Tell me about the SJW warrior

Dear Tribalwarriors,

I don't know and haven't met the vaunted yet mythical social justice warrior. Mind you, I don't have a twit account, but I see their pics/vids on the internet - all over the internet, and referred to here in any political thread.

Please tell me about the scourge of the SJW, specifically addressing these questions:

How is it (gender neutral) a threat to the American Way of Life?
How is it a threat to MAGA?
How is it a threat to you?

Thank you!
They're no threat. They're more of an irritation, like driving down a one way road and ahead you notice a raccoon that has become minced meat and covers most of the roadway. No matter what you do, you're likely to get some of that brain matter all up in your wheel well. It slows your progress and you're left with some residual filth that requires scrubbing. Ack!
sjws are creating a generation of facists. they police thought crimes and encourage violence against people who they deem guilty without any regard for the law. they have a distorted view of themselves as activists that they use to justify their behavior. at their heart, they are against free speech and due process and are pro-racism/pro-hatred if its fits their narrative. the backlash against them is also why trump won. so that's how successful they are.
Dear Tribalwarriors,

I don't know and haven't met the vaunted yet mythical social justice warrior. Mind you, I don't have a twit account, but I see their pics/vids on the internet - all over the internet, and referred to here in any political thread.

Please tell me about the scourge of the SJW, specifically addressing these questions:

How is it (gender neutral) a threat to the American Way of Life?
How is it a threat to MAGA?
How is it a threat to you?

Thank you!

Are you a criminal? Are you on welfare without a legitimate reason? Is disruption part of your agenda? Are you stupid? Do you come to wrong conclusions and misrepresent facts and use that to undermine the legitimacy of the president?

Then you are not a threat. Asshole maybe, but not a threat. Those categories are not a threat either in and of themselves.. but word has it they want to cause trouble so irritating and inept and ultimately defeated would be a better description.
They are totalitarians in everything they believe.

What was that saying about the difference between a SJW and an activists: An activist will protest an establishment for not having a ramp for the disabled and a SJW will ban stairs because they are offensive to the handicapped.
arsin please lead us in prayer
:lol: Thank you I would be honored:

Oh God,
You created all people in your image.
We thank you for the astonishing variety of races and
cultures in this world.
Enrich our lives by ever-widening circles of friendship,
and show us your presence in those who differ most from us,
until our knowledge of your love is made perfect in
our love for all your children;
Please Baby Jesus, help us select good people
and keep the sub 90iq's out. Oh and no Sikhs,
Paki's or Niggers. Thank you.

Through your Son, The Baby Jesus Christ our Lord and semi God.
sjws are creating a generation of facists. they police thought crimes and encourage violence against people who they deem guilty without any regard for the law. they have a distorted view of themselves as activists that they use to justify their behavior. at their heart, they are against free speech and due process and are pro-racism/pro-hatred if its fits their narrative. the backlash against them is also why trump won. so that's how successful they are.
Ah, so they're using the violence of the State which is often way out of proportion to the thought crime committed.

Have any laws been passed on behalf of the SJW?
Are you a criminal? Are you on welfare without a legitimate reason? Is disruption part of your agenda? Are you stupid? Do you come to wrong conclusions and misrepresent facts and use that to undermine the legitimacy of the president?

Then you are not a threat. Asshole maybe, but not a threat. Those categories are not a threat either in and of themselves.. but word has it they want to cause trouble so irritating and inept and ultimately defeated would be a better description.
No friend, I am not going to help the status quo in delegitimizing the Presidency (beside the Trump already does that enuf imo).

As to "misrepresent facts" how's your theme of Sweden being under atak from the moosilim horde thing working out for you?
They are not a threat.

They are misinformed and misguided, and make life harder for themselves and others.

We only want to help them for their own good.

We know what's best for them and are obligated to make them better.

Oh wait, that's how they think about everyone else.

Never mind.
SJWs are kids who don't realize that free speech means that some people are going to say stuff you don't like. Grow up, pull on your big boy pants, and ignore them and go about your day.
They are not a threat.

They are misinformed and misguided, and make life harder for themselves and others.

We only want to help them for their own good.

We know what's best for them and are obligated to make them better.

Oh wait, that's how they think about everyone else.

Never mind.
:lol: gotta luv the 360!

And what vaunted and noble and indeed ennobling! institution teaches our young ones these culturally Marxist thoughts? Rights for the one while reducing the rights of the whole?

Why it's that wellspring of globalism:

This is the home of the intelligentsia! How dare you peons question the wisdom of such learned men! To shame!!
SJWs are kids who don't realize that free speech means that some people are going to say stuff you don't like. Grow up, pull on your big boy pants, and ignore them and go about your day.
It's interesting to note that the media never really questions the philosophy of cultural Marxism. Never is there a mention of having a little self esteem, or why individual responsibility is abdicated. Much is made to glorify the victim and guilt shame the populace. But perhaps cultural Marxism makes for a good global citizen?

Skip the bullshit and get right to the point. If God is God he would appreciate showing his omnipotence and omniscient some respect.
he is like the SCOURGE of modern society - the SJW. Yet I neither see nor hear from either. :(

The SJW is not the problem. Let me say that again: The SJW is not the problem but the result of the problem. What then is the problem? Hint: who taught these kids this shit?

Once you answer that you have begun to identify the problem.