Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2


Your eyes are too deep-set to be considered classically handsome.
'some marines will tell you the blood stripe is for the blood spilled at guadal canal, but most marines will tell you it is for the blood of every marine spilled at war ' ---AFN commercial
and some marines are boneheads--scooby after swabbing their dick after they had unprotected sex with a thai prostitute
nah i was navy, just had to work with those meatheads in joint commands sometimes, they suck at fixing electronics ;)

they had the best local base created afn commercials though.
nice a hot blonde with a marine, cant wait till he deploys and she starts fucking everybody else
Ill be waiting
I guess I haven't posted my pic in a while, here's one from a few months ago (I'm on the right)

cool pics scooby

they are fun and I got out of work early because I fixed so much gear so I liked them not being good at their jerb.

I did have to do one of their Dinners where they all dress up in camo and Dpacks? or whatever and cantines and face paint and then you cant piss for a long time...buddies ex wife has all the pictures from that deployment and wont share them ;(
I need to scan more..there are a couple really cool ones. I took a pic from a halo jump out the back of a 141 which was really neat