autojump interval for v1.4(1)

ok i've tried plugin with nofix'es script but it just jumps once. i tried script by -liquid- and it does continuously jump, but it still misses tons of jumps :/

EDIT: lol forgot to post scripts

i put them in \config\modules and named them UnHappyJump.acs.cs

$Jump::Delay = 0.001;
function Jump::Start()
	if ((Client::GetTeam(getmanagerid()) == -1)) {
		postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
		function Jump::Jump()
			postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
			schedule("Jump::Jump();", $Jump::Delay);

function Jump::Stop(){ function Jump::Jump(){} }

this 1 is from -liquid- guy:
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "space", TO, "ski(1);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "space", TO, "ski(0);");

function ski(%v){
    if(%v != "") $skiing = %v;
    if($skiing) {
        postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
        schedule("ski();", 0.001);
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Im not sperging. the reason im messing with this is if i skii too perfectly down the hill i always have my speed significantly reduced or come to dead-stop (if its a big hill) and start going backwards. Until yesterday i thot that was normal and i had too skii more roughly, but tool obs me on skii map and said he also uses 1.4 and i should get it fixed because its not normal.
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//Bind for Ski
function PlasSki::addBindsToMenu() after GameBinds::Init
	GameBinds::SetMapNoClearBinds( "playMap.sae" );
	GameBinds::addBindCommand( "Plasmatic's Ski", "$Plas::skiing = true;Plas::Ski(true);", "$Plas::skiing = false;" );

function Plas::Ski()
		postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
		schedule("Plas::Ski();",0.05);	//jump jump jump	


never used it but looks like it should work
that + unhappyjump and binding it to space in the menu works for me

its possible another script is conflicting / rebinding your keys etc