[Poll] Wealth Re-distribution?

I am for it, but would prefer to see organized labour accomplish it than an umbrella gov't, but realize that gov't is more likely going to happen. The elite have already convinced too many of the underclasses (read, anyone not equipped with a golden parachute) that organized labour is a commie (and therefore bad) undertaking that only hurts everyone.

I have no interest in seeing people like Joe the Plumber punished by this though. When I think wealth, I don't think 250k a year. I think old money, like the Rockefellers (spelling?) and Kennedy's and every other family in power positions. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the redistribution transcend national boundaries either.
I am first generation American. My parents both immigrated from Asia (Shanghai, and Hong Kong) and were piss fucking poor. They came here with no money, but busted their asses and saved money to make a better life for both me, and my sister. They literally paved the way for all their relatives (my aunts and uncles and cousins) to move here.

That was the 70s and 80s... Neither of them used welfare or any form of assistance. Both of them barely spoke English, but they learned pretty quickly. They lived in disgusting roach infested apartments to save money until they could move out.

Currently, my sister has a masters from MIT and a J.D. from some law school and is a practicing patent law attorney. She has a huge house in the suburbs of Oregon, and 2 awesome kids, and a successful husband (engineer at Intel.)

She's obviously the "star" of the family because I'm just a *lowly* cop in NYC that has his own 1 bedroom apt and a BS from RPI. ;)

Any healthy individual that complains about things being too hard is a fucking lazy and unmotivated SACK OF SHIT... (barring extenuating and mitigating circumstances, of course) I say all of the above, not because I'm bragging, but as a way of PROVING to people that hard work and knowing how to spend your money goes a LONG, LONG way and it isn't impossible to have a good life after having started out with nothing. All of my cousins are married and have kids and apartments of their own and all of them are employed making good wages. NONE of them ever went on welfare.

People move to America for opportunity and that's what they should be looking to take advantage of. Not fucking handouts.
I'm of the mind set that all that kid did to earn the money was be fortunate enough to be sprung from the loins of wealthy parents. I certainly don't think that all of it should be taken, not at all. And I'd say up to a certain amount, nearly all of it should be available to the children. I certainly would want my children to not have to struggle to get anywhere in life, and never have to chose between bills and food. But then again, I don't think a free ride is in order either.

Essentially, I think at most they should have enough to get by for a decade, maybe two, living at the level of average middle class families, any less, they keep it all. Far from socialist. There's fucking opportunity written all over having the wealth of a family's income over many years at your disposal. If they can't take advantage of it, then they certainly don't deserve more. If they can, they will have more.

So I don't get this line of thought, where do do you get off telling others what they can do with the money they earned? Sorry but this just reeks of jealousy
I am against it and believe the People should use deadly force against their government to keep them from stealing the fruits of their labor.

(aim for head of course)
headshots are for suckers. real men put four rounds directly into the heart.... one for each chamber.
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

Sure they are, but if some are luckier than others, I think the obligation exists for them to use their greater fruits to help those who were simply unlucky.

I think most critics miss the point that it's not about handouts for doing nothing (maybe the USA needs some welfare reform if this happens, but that's not the ideal), but about helping others who, through no fault of their own, have been empoverished.
I want to say against because I think you should be rewarded for hard work.

On the other hand, I also believe that there are plenty of people who were born in to money and haven't worked a day in their lives and on top of that are hording all they have. At the same time, it's not their fault they were born rich.

First off, define your terms. We're having a HUGE redistribution of wealth right now, in the direction opposite the one you think you mean, from you and me to Exxon, Goldman Sachs and the House of Saud. I am against that one.

Also, your arguments are juvenile. It's not about punishing one side or the other for not working hard enough or being an heir or whatever, it is about building a stable, growing society. You can't do that when a growing number of people live in poverty and capital is locked up in the hands of a very few, more capital in less hands every day. We need shared prosperity to grow together, the alternative is, well, everything in history.

On a personal level, the fact that corporations buy laws that are advantageous to themselves means that they are using the system to point our money their way. I see no issue with using popular outrage as a catalyst to use the system to point some of my own money back at me, and maybe some of theirs too.
Sure they are, but if some are luckier than others, I think the obligation exists for them to use their greater fruits to help those who were simply unlucky.

I think most critics miss the point that it's not about handouts for doing nothing (maybe the USA needs some welfare reform if this happens, but that's not the ideal), but about helping others who, through no fault of their own, have been empoverished.

luck is 95% preparation and 5% opportunity, and aren't the wealthy already taxed at a much higher rate then those who as you call them are "unlucky"?

When did the line of thought that life has to be fair enter into the American mindset? It honestly makes me want to vomit
People also seem to wrongfully view taxes as a punishment of some sort. If you're patriotic/nationalistic, suck it up and be an example of succeeding despite evil gov't regulation. If you're not patriotic, STFU, leave the country and take your money with you. You're a leech like everyone sitting on their asses collecting welfare.
People also seem to wrongfully view taxes as a punishment of some sort. If you're patriotic/nationalistic, suck it up and be an example of succeeding despite evil gov't regulation. If you're not patriotic, STFU, leave the country and take your money with you. You're a leech like everyone sitting on their asses collecting welfare.

Seems you bought the paying taxes is patriotic from Biden hook line and sinker :lol:

who here said paying taxes is punishment? and I hardly think that the 2% who are paying 95% of taxes are leeches
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury."

I say the answer to our troubles is easy. Tax the gingers. Those red headed fucks are in the minority, so we can pass new tax laws on them and they cannot stop us. We take what is theirs and keep it for redistrobution.
Seems you bought the paying taxes is patriotic from Biden hook line and sinker :lol:

who here said paying taxes is punishment? and I hardly think that the 2% who are paying 95% of taxes are leeches

You completely missed the point.

I don't know what you're referring to with Biden, but it's not an extreme logical leap to put paying taxes as an everyman contribution to the success of the state, which is guardian of the nation and it's citizens.

If they're paying taxes, that's great, I'm referring to people (this is the part you missed, you may want to read it twice) who have an attitude that says "hands off! this is mine!" when taxes roll around. They have no interest in contributing to the maintenance and success of the group. Those are the leeches.
You completely missed the point.

I don't know what you're referring to with Biden, but it's not an extreme logical leap to put paying taxes as an everyman contribution to the success of the state, which is guardian of the nation and it's citizens.

If they're paying taxes, that's great, I'm referring to people (this is the part you missed, you may want to read it twice) who have an attitude that says "hands off! this is mine!" when taxes roll around. They have no interest in contributing to the maintenance and success of the group. Those are the leeches.

How about instead of "hands off! this is mine!", we say "hands off! last time I gave you a handout you squandered it! let the other guy pay for a change."
If they're paying taxes, that's great, I'm referring to people (this is the part you missed, you may want to read it twice) who have an attitude that says "hands off! this is mine!" when taxes roll around. They have no interest in contributing to the maintenance and success of the group. Those are the leeches.

where did this come from? who here said this?
In the debate thread TseTse was trying to say that when obama said "redistribution of wealth" it was the economy that would do the redistributing, not the governement.

I'm still waiting to hear back from him on that one.