Local animation/taunt script

wtf eat apples

Veteran XX
Im looking for a script to do local animation/taunts that's binded to the center mouse button.
Something I can press when people are around me to dance around ect...
It's been 8 years since I played so I completely forget how to make one or to even get it to work.
I'll require install instructions as well.
Thank you very much :)
No animation, change localmessage to w/e the animate command ist.
you can append/modify the sound files: $tauntsound[$lastkillsound++] = "bdlsdbal"

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "9", TO, "Sound::play();");

$lastkillsound = -1;
$tauntsound[$lastkillsound++] = "wgaysong";
$tauntsound[$lastkillsound++] = "wfishsong3";
$tauntsound[$lastkillsound++] = "wfishsong4";
$tauntsound[$lastkillsound++] = "poker3";
$tauntsound[$lastkillsound++] = "poker5";

$maxkillsound = $lastkillsound + 1;
function Sound::play(){
	%a = $tauntsound[floor($maxkillsound * getRandom())];

function Sound::checkKill( %killer, %victim, %damage ) {
	if ( %killer != getManagerId() )

Event::Attach(eventClientKilled, Sound::CheckKill);
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only blessed men would say this ^

you are right about the config. I still use the pre 655 version binding style and had to add the binding part only for my post aaaaaannnnnd I really don't know the current convention so fuck it, tao pls don't hunt me
Oh and your script will never play the last voice plus there is no provision for choosing an animation. If he knew how to modify it he'd know how to script and this thread wouldn't be here.
hey lemon, you are right on the not playing last sound but please stop correcting me, your scripts are terrible and I feel offended by your post. Seriously just shut up or help those guys, you are a faggot
// stupid message and animate script for tribes 1.40
// save as StupidDance.acs.cs and put in modules folder

$taunt[0] = "taunt1";    // Yooo-Hooo!
$taunt[1] = "taunt10";   // Howd that feel?
$taunt[2] = "moveout";   // MOVE OUT!
$taunt[3] = "taunt2";    // Missed me!
$taunt[4] = "taunt3";    // Dance!
$taunt[5] = "taunt4";    // Come Get some
$taunt[6] = "cheer1";    // YEAH
$taunt[7] = "cheer2";    // WOO-HOO
$taunt[8] = "cheer3";    // ALL RIGHT
$taunt[9] = "attac2";    // ATTACK!

function StupidDance() {
	%anim = String::GetSubStr(timestamp(), 18, 1);
	remoteEval(2048, playAnimWav, %anim, $taunt[%anim]);

echoc(2, "StupidDance");

function StupidDance::BindInit()
  after GameBinds::Init {
	$GameBinds::CurrentMapHandle = GameBinds::GetActionMap2( "playMap.sae");
	$GameBinds::CurrentMap = "playMap.sae";
	GameBinds::addBindCommand( "StupidDance", "StupidDance();");
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yea when you cut and paste script it's easier to plug one number (or variable) in rather than changing the whole thing

that line was originally something like

floor(getRandom() * (%noobs-0.01));