Lvl 50


Veteran X
Do any other level 50's think they hit a sort of wall? It seems the only way to level from here on out is to just grind it out. I've been doing whatever quests I could and instances, but after 3 days I'm only half way to 51.
40-45 is a bitch b/c a lot of quests require groups and there are no instances at that level. its either SM or wait til 45 for uldaman
I don't understand Uldaman, everyone says you need to be 45+ but I'm assuming that only for the last boss because I have 6 Uldaman quests that range from 36-43, AKA green quests. I'm tempted to just abandon them all considering the rewards suck.
The Uldaman quests you have are likely just the ones that are outside the instance. The only quests that I know of inside the instance involves The Lost Vikings (which are easy to get to) and the Shattered Necklace quest which you have to get as a drop first.
level 50-55 - ungoro, blasted lands, finish searing gorge, felwood, finish hinterlands quests, you can start western plaguelands, and do temple.
if that doesnt get you to 55 then you suck at life.

level 55-59 - burning steppes, winterspring, finish felwood, eastern plaugelands, blackrock depths.

level 59 - go to burning steppes grind on ogres or orcs...or go to easterplaguelands zul and grind it out on the trolls in the north. Ya it will be the last grind u will have to do.