midair toaster preferences ini file


Veteran XX
a few days ago I was linked to an ini file that gave me better frame rate. I'm gonna share that with any toaster/microwave users out there.

also I'm posting my specs so that you can understand what the actual minimum requirements for this game are.

CPU 3.10 GHz
RAM 4.00 GB
IntelHDgraphics onboard

if you have anything higher than these specs you should have no trouble playing mid air. if you're at or around these specs I would recommend using these settings.

step 1.copy a cs file from somewhere and rename it to toaster.cfg or something of the likes. as long as the file extension remains or becomes CFG

step 2. past file into your binaries folder located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Midair\Midair\Binaries

note: comments are annotated using semicolons. thats just how midair ignores comments.

; Save this file as toaster.cfg in ...\SteamApps\common\Midair\Midair\Binaries
; in-game type "exec toaster.cfg" into the console

; General
FOV 107
r.VSync 0
r.SetRes 800x600f
r.OneFrameThreadLag 0 ;1
r.ScreenPercentage 64 ; Lower for extra performance
stat fps

; Effects Quality
sg.EffectsQuality 0 ;2
r.DetailMode 0
r.SceneColorFormat 0
r.DisableDistortion 1
r.RefractionQuality 0
r.MaterialQualityLevel 0
r.ReflectionEnvironment 0
r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur 0
r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim 1 ;24 0 will crash midair

; Post Processing Effects
r.BloomQuality 0
r.Upscale.Quality 0 ; 3Lower for reduced quality on scaling
r.LensFlareQuality 0
r.FastBlurThreshold 0
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
r.LightShaftQuality 0
r.DepthOfFieldQuality 0
r.LightFunctionQuality 0
r.EyeAdaptationQuality 0
r.RenderTargetPoolMin 300
r.AmbientOcclusionLevels 0
r.SceneColorFringeQuality 0

; Textures
r.MaxAnisotropy 0
r.Streaming.MipBias 0 ;5 Increase for potentially more FPS at for reduced texture quality
r.Streaming.PoolSize 100 ; 200

; AntiAliasing
r.PostProcessAAQuality 0
r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing 0 ; Set to 0 to disable AntiAliasing, but FXAA is really cheap performance wise

; Foliage Quality
grass.DensityScale 0
foliage.DensityScale 0

; Foliage Distance
sg.ViewDistanceQuality 2
r.ViewDistanceScale 0.01

; Shiny Reflections (Screen Space Reflections)
r.SSR.Quality 0

; Shadows
r.ShadowQuality 0

; Other
r.Atmosphere 0

; Brightness/Color Settings
r.TonemapperFilm 0
r.TonemapperGamma 0
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen 0
r.Tonemapper.Quality 0
r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization 0

on a side note the one thing that made the biggest change and gave me smoother mouse input was simply disabling this line
r.OneFrameThreadLag 0 it was set to 1
wish I could make some textures for this game. I would like to scale them down some maybe even make a cell shaded version like this game